What I Did On My Honeymoon Vacation

Sep 08, 2014 20:52

....not like that! (Okay, fair, it is me...)

So we went on a honeymoon adventure to California! And it was a lot of fun. (Yes I know I haven't posted about the wedding yet, but this is done, so there it goes.) BEGIN PART ONE.

voyaging, and California, and FOOD OMG THE FOOD AND THE WINE. )

california, squee!!!!!, celebrations, delicious food, vacation, good times, getting married, yay, kitty approves, happy things

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Comments 2

astrangerenters September 9 2014, 14:55:39 UTC
Congrats on getting married, I don't think I ever did remember to say that to you. So many many congrats!

I love the idea of a train ride out west, seems like such a fun way to see the country so long as the company's good and it sounds like you had some fun companions for it.


lassarina September 10 2014, 03:56:10 UTC
Thank you!

Yeah, it was a really interesting experience. A little less so on the way back. XD


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