I'm trying to get back in the habit of talking here.

Jul 10, 2014 21:18

Even if I don't feel like I have much (or anything interesting) to say.

It's been a hard week - we have successfully offered on a house and negotiated the post-inspection shoals (not the way we'd have liked best--the owners were far more stubborn than we felt was warranted regarding the issues that the inspection turned up--but we'll live with it), but it was a frustrating process. I've had two straight days of wildly insufficient sleep. The last 3 days have been ongoing work drama that is seriously making me incapable of dealing with anything and I'm exacerbating it by losing my filter due to exhaustion and stress and therefore talking to people about things I probably oughtn't.

It's not a good week. I have spent more of it than is good for my hands distracting myself with FF14. When my hands hurt too much I distract myself with romance novels. I'm not sure this is a good coping mechanism but it's a survival mechanism at the moment.

But: we will have a house and it will be ours, and the things I fear most about the work stuff are logically unlikely to come to pass (as paladin and
seventhe and
tuberose have reassured me many times), and some day this week will end.

Tonight I met up with
goldmare and she bought me lovely Belgian chocolate, and we talked about the novel, and I am starting to feel like maybe I know how to start moving forward on editing it.

I perpetually marvel at how lucky I am to have the friends that I do. I don't think I remark on that enough, but all of my friends, online and off, are amazing people whom I love.

When I was talking with
goldmare tonight I mentioned that I want to get back in the habit of recording my life here, even if it's just what I'm feeling in the moment that I would otherwise have yammered about on plurk (okay in this case I talked about it on Plurk AND here), or just random things I see throughout the day. I guess I'm starting on that now.

All summer so far in the Loop there have been really strange protestors. They have big black-and-yellow signs with terror-value Bible verses on them ("the wages of sin is death" and the like). Yet, when you walk by them, the preaching (amplified by portable microphones/speakers) falls more into the vein of "God loves you and will welcome you home to Him if you only repent." I am not quite sure what to make of this dissonance. Periodically I think about stopping to engage them in debate, but I'm not awake enough in the morning and by the time I'm going home I just want to be home. This is the first year I remember seeing them in the Loop, and they're pretty dedicated; they rotate around various corners and appear multiple weeks in a row. It's a little odd.

I guess that's enough random for now.

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1095156.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

headbees and brainweasels, chicago

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