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thenicochan asked me, "How is progress on Every Light coming? I am a curious cat and want to read this."
Basically, Every Light is waiting on editing. I gave it to my beta reader, but life has sort of turned upside down for both of us and we haven't had enough time to go through all the chapters in detail. (In fairness, this bastard thing is the size of a mass-published fantasy trilogy.) She has assured me that structurally, the plot is intact/OK, but there are some things I'll need to move around within individual chapters.
So, basically, the entire rough draft is done, but there's an awful lot of editing work to be done since a lot of it is sort of brain-vomit and thus is kind of a disaster. (When Sev was editing the first chapter years ago, because it had been written very distractedly during NaNoWriMo while working a call center during the busiest month of the year, it came back festooned with things that said "You forgotted a sentence!" and smilies where I had in fact trailed off halfway through a sentence and picked right back up in the next paragraph. OOPS.)
If the two chapters I've already messed with are any indication, I'll need 2-3 hours per chapter to get it cleaned up for posting once I get it back from editing. (Some chapters probably more, some chapters quite a bit less.) Essentially at this point it is not in my hands.
Sorry it's not a better answer!
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