Update on kitty: they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. They did an endoscopy (to the tune of $1200, sob) but found nothing except some slightly irritated areas, which they are doing biopsies upon. Meanwhile I think she caught a cold at the vet's; poor darling is sneezing her silly head off. But she seems happy enough; they gave me kitty Pepcid to give to her, which went successfully the first two times but she's gotten very good at spitting it out. on the other hand she doesn't seem to be throwing up anymore. I don't even know.
But I seem to be back on the Internet now; I've spent a chunk of today browsing the
Final Fantasy Kiss Battle and enjoying it, and I'm working on the next of my prompt posts now that I have a brain again.
I've posted this at
http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1089029.html and you may
comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has