Suddenly, it's like a real Chicago winter around here.

Feb 07, 2013 18:07

It's been snowing all week. Tonight I am in the band marked "5-8 inches." I don't mind so much - I take public transit, which is rarely bothered by the snow, and it's not a long walk on either end to my destination - but it's kind of amazing. Tonight the city was so slushy that it actually infiltrated my boots (I was squishing when I walked, and soaked straight through to the skin. Despite wearing a coat that is usually quite equal to Chicago's weather.)

I stopped on the way to my apartment from the train, and made a snowball. It was heavy, wet snow, and I tossed it up to watch it splatter on the sidewalk. Nothing around but me, the snow, the trees, and the street lights.

It's one of the things I genuinely like about winter; I love the cathedral feeling of being alone in the world when it's white and glittery and barely-lit, with tree branches stretching up into the sky and light glimmering and shimmering off everything. The silence on a snowy day is nearly tangible.

I wanted to roll around in the snow, but my already-wet self (and the electronics in my work bag) would not have appreciated it. Now that I am showered, it would not be wise to go out with wet hair.

Maybe tomorrow night I'll go flop around on our balcony, which is still untouched.

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snow, chicago

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