
Nov 24, 2012 00:15

I am no longer ahead on NaNo (at least I don't think I am; I haven't checked) because as it turns out I am pretty damn solid at turning out words on work days during NaNo but absolute fuckballs at making myself do "butt in chair, hands on keyboard" when it's "vacation"/"weekend" time.

Of course it just occurred to me (because I r smrt) that I've already written 50K in 30 days, what with finishing Every Light, and also edited 177K.

So I really should have expected this, but I am deeply annoyed with myself for lazyassing and just wanting to play Persona 4 Golden (sidenote: I am playing it on "ridiculously easy" difficulty purely because fuck challenge I'm just here for the story and omg I am enjoying it SO MUCH this way. Even if I feel like a terrible gamer and worse Atlus fan for cheaping out on difficulty.)

Okay. Opening Scrivener now. Really. REALLY.

I've posted this at and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

nanowrimo 2012, you bring this on yourself, persona 4, your shipment of fail has arrived

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