no I would not like cheese with that

Mar 17, 2012 17:44

Naming things is hard, gosh. I found a tasty name generator that helps (I use it as a starting point and then tweak things until they sound nice to me) but kldfsjlskj. It took me the better part of four hours today to name fifteen things in the NaNo adventure. But all the things are named now, I guess. I still need to make up a myth and actually fill in shit I left with bracket notes saying "oh god something cool." But it's progress.

In other news, we are still playing Mass Effect, I still love it, and we went to see Riverdance last night. This was the fifth time I've been to see it. It gives me all the feels, y'all, I can't even. I just. I know it's overcommercialized lowest-common-denominator and these are the fucks I give, okay, because I love it. And it will be going away. ;; sob. brain is leaking out my ears.

Oh I guess I did accomplish something of value today: reorganized the pantry and threw out all the canned goods past their date. Unfucking my habitat proceeds.

I've posted this at and would prefer you comment there if possible. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

would you like cheese with that, writing process, unfucking my life

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