It has been a long, rough year, my friends. I was looking back through my assorted posts for this year's resolutions and wow. Just. Wow.
I think a lot of that had to do with the struggles I had with my brain-meats, but I am determined that 2012 is going to be way more awesome.
December Goals Round-Up
My December goals were to write 12K, finish the 2011 NaNo novel, and to complete my Yuletide story. I did write 12K (I finished on the plane), and I did complete my Yuletide story, but I did not work on the novel very much at all. That's actually okay by me; I wasn't planning on doing Promptmas but I did and it worked out quite well.
My overall 2011 goals were to write 150K (achieved!),
I had decided, in December, to beat something new (either Infinite Undiscovery or Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.) I did neither; but I did finish my final/completion run of Strange Journey as well as beating replays of Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy X for other people to enjoy, so I think I will also count this as a goal mostly met. (Besides, most of December's game-playing time went to watching the paladin beat Assassin's Creed: Revelations.)
Overall, I ended the year having beaten or completed one more game than I had bought. fuck yes victory.
My goal was to take my vitamins every day, and to document the effect of changing my meds. I missed one day of vitamins, but otherwise hit that one out of the park (and oh boy did I notice the impact on the day I missed them. Whew. Let's not do that again.) At this point I am pretty confident that changing the meds has made a massive difference; over the month I've had a total of maybe four or five days when the anxiety even got seriously noticeable, and all of those it was possible to divert with distractions or focus on something else, so I think that's pretty much a win.
I even did yoga twice the week before Christmas.
I did pay next term's tuition out of cash. I spent a little more on credit than I'd really meant to because of Christmas gifts, but nothing I can't easily make up.
Goals for 2012
I liked having things in "themed" goals last year--it gave me some flexibility to adjust each month, and it really helped to not set myself goals that required a specific numeric achievement (other than writing, where if I don't have a specific numeric goal, all bets are off.)
So I'm going to make two sets of goals right now: the general overarching ones for 2012, and the specific ones for January. I think I'm also going to change my resolutions roundup post format a little; this past year I sort of lost sight of what the overarching goals were and focused in on the monthly ones. I'd like to do better at tracking the big picture as well this year.
January's goals will be a little on the conservative side, because I am going on vacation with family and I fully expect that will make it a little difficult to accomplish things for that span of time.
General 2012 Goals:
* Write 150,000 words (yeah, I signed up for
getyourwordsout again.)
* Finish the novel from the 2010/2011 NaNo adventure, and get sample chapters to an agent.
* Finally get into Dragon Age fandom instead of lurking insecurely around the edges.
* Be a more active fandom participant generally; reading, writing, recs, comments.
* Finish Every Light (yeah yeah I know I know.)
January 2012 Goals:
* 2K on the NaNo adventure
* Finish chapter five of A Summoner's Faith
* Write one prompt or kink meme fill, any fandom, of 500+ words.
* 1K on Every Light.
* Promptmas fics (which do not count toward goal #3).
Video Games
General 2012 Goals:
"Beat more than I buy" is working out for me! Slowly, but it's getting there. I'm going to stick with that, and add: I want to beat at least two of my older (i.e. PS1 or PS2 era) games.
January 2012 Goals:
* Start Dragon Age: Awakenings
* Make measurable progress in Infinite Undiscovery and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.
General 2012 Goals:
* Really take charge of mental health issues; see about getting a therapist; ask about ways to deal with my anxiety.
* Continue taking vitamins and determine if there are other, addressable physical causes.
* Develop a workout routine.
* Set aside time for religious practice and meditation.
* Be kinder to myself. I tend to judge myself really, really harshly (my double standard for myself is epic) and I want to be more mindful of how I treat me, because holy shit, if I saw someone treating one of my friends the way I tend to treat myself, I would be ripping that person several new assholes. I need to remember that I am my friend, too, and treat myself accordingly.
January 2012 Goals:
* Once per week, spend ten minutes meditating.
* When we go skiing, take it on with confidence. I'm not as good at this as I used to be and that's okay, but I would like to work up to skiing one of the darker blues by the end of the trip.
* Continue taking my vitamins daily.
* Make that damn dentist appointment for the fillings.
* For the weeks I am home, yoga once per week.
Money and Career Skills
General 2012 Goals:
* Pay off my car. (!!!)
* Make progress on other debts.
* Learn Ruby on Rails.
January 2012 Goals:
* Have $150 saved at the end of the month for adding to the car payment.
* Limit lunches eaten out/purchased downtown to no more than once per week.
* Read three chapters of the Ruby on Rails HeadFirst book I bought.
I think those seem like reasonable and attainable goals.
Right at this second, as I type this on the plane, I really wish I could add "stop being so nervous when I fly" to this list, but baby steps, self. We will get there. Baby steps make it possible.
And now I am finally home and posting!
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comment there if possible. On Dreamwidth, this entry has