The goals rundown (quickly):
Video Games: To complete at least one more game by the end of the year. I'm in sector Fornax (so 6 of 8) in my Strange Journey final run, and I've been progressing slowly in Infinite Undiscovery, which is fine, because NaNo.
In December: Complete one game!
Writing: NaNoFuckingWriMo. And I did it! And I only have 12K to go for GYWO. Speaking of...
In December: 12K total, including Yuletide. And finish the draft of the NaNo novel so
celeloriel can rampage through it like unto a starving and very finicky T-Rex.
Fitness, Body, Health: Yoga once a week. pffffft hahahahaha well. No. ON THE OTHER HAND I did identify the source of the anxiety attacks so.
In December: Take my vitamins every day and keep track of how changing meds etc. is affecting me.
Money: Pay for any Christmas shopping in cash (credit allowed if money is available to pay off immediately. Done and DONE. And bonus: I PAID OFF THE LOWEST CREDIT CARD AGAIN. (i.e. I paid for the car repairs I had done in October, FUCK YEAH.)
December: Pay for next term's French tuition in cash and don't resort to credit.
In other news, I have some Thoughts on NaNoWriMo.
1) Outline saved my life, again. I think 5 repetitions is enough to prove that yes, Virginia, outlines make me win NaNoWriMo. (Because when I go "zero fucks to give for this scene" I can skip ahead to the next interesting bit!)
2) ....I think this thing might have worth buried somewhere inside it. Maybe.
3) I think, all things considered, I do like Scrivener better than Liquid Story Binder. LSB was fine when I was stuck on Windows, but I much prefer Scrivener's interface. One thing I would like is a slightly better way to keep some QuickRef windows perpetual (since I have one for variable names, see below.)
4) Variables are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in a long project, for srs. Names might slow me down for 20 minutes, but instead I can say $some_clever_name waterfall and MOVE ALONG. and it is a thing that can be dealt with later.
5) I really do much better at NaNo, and it stresses me a lot less, when I can carry my laptop with me to work; I can generally get all 1700-2000 words before I even get home. 15 minutes at Starbucks pre-work; 45 minutes at lunch; 30 minutes on the train home.
5a) This really only works if I do not eat somewhere that has WiFi.
6) Having my paladin to take care of me makes NaNo less difficult on me physically; he is very good about making me eat real food (and arranging things like cooking giant batches of beef burgundy so that the food is just There and I don't have to deal with it.)
7) Productivity Parties are the best.
I think that's about all I've got. Yeah.
Random thoughtlet: I fucking love Neil Diamond's first Christmas album and I hate the second one like burning.