NaNoWriMo, Day Six: Overachievers Anonymous

Nov 06, 2011 20:54

Wordcount: 16,685
Writing Time: 2 hours
Victory du Jour: Four days ahead!
Argh du Jour: I think I put in five new variables today. omfg NAMES.

So yeah, I hit my "ridiculous" goals every single day this weekend (with bonus 1K words on Exalted planning for that game tomorrow. Unfortunately nearly all of that 1K was on cutscenes and not actual planning. Fortunately I am pretty sure I can wing the planning since I have a rough outline of the shape of the thing.) The being 4 days ahead is pretty damn important because I have three evenings this week in which writing will not be possible (or will be possible only on very tiny scales of ~200 word bits) and hitting 1667 at lunch/on the train will be tricky enough.

(Self, you are not allowed to think of it as a failure if you "only" do the actual daily minimum. you really, really are not.)

I was talking to my mom tonight about how I keep moving the damn goalposts for myself--because 50K in 30 days is never enough--and she laughed at me and said "well, you always were an overachiever." It's true. But I'm already getting neurotic for next year (....yeah) because I have no idea how I could possibly beat this year's pace. Then again, I said that last year, but THIS TIME I REALLY MEAN IT, OKAY.

...I'm going to go play video games now and tell my brain quite firmly to shut up and fuck off, because we are not putting any more words down. No more. Not allowed.

wordcounts, nanowrimo 2011, fuck your 50000 words, words ate my brain

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