
Sep 11, 2011 20:31

Sleeeeeeepy cat.

It's been a moderately productive weekend; I plowed through a massive number of words from the batch of pages I have stashed in Firefox for me to read later. I also plowed through a lot of Dragon Age 2--I'm probably 25% through Act III, right now--and a significant chunk of my Strange Journey replay.

Today was football day, which was mostly lovely--the Colts and Steelers got thoroughly humiliated, and the Redskins, Jags, and Packers have all won their first games. Carolina didn't, but they at least put up a decent fight. Life is good when football is in it. :)

Curled up together on the couch today, paladin says thoughtfully, "We should have more Sundays like this--snuggling, watching football...you're licking my arm." Which, to be fair, I was, because I am ridiculous like that. I was just amused by how there was this conversation happening and then there was a pause and this very puzzled tone.

One thing I have not done much of this weekend was writing, but I am deciding not to feel bad about that. Besides, I made a fantastic dinner tonight--apple spice pork chops, potatoes au gratin (admittedly from a box, but whatever), and green beans. Mmmmmm.

I have also successfully dodged 80% of the 9/11 memorial shenanigans, which is good, because the 20% I did catch threatened to send my blood pressure through the roof. I absolutely think it should be remembered and honored--but I dislike the way it's being twisted by politicians and pundits into an easy emotional hook, and I really REALLY dislike that people made commercials commemorating it. (Granted, Budweiser's was about as classy as these things get, and State Farm's was not offensive, but why the unholy fuck would you feel the need to make a 9/11 commercial aaaaaaaagh.)

I guess I should crack open that Megaflare doc and have a try at some words. :/

i do not want you to be pointy, i haz a paladin, football

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