Holiday weekends are the best.

Sep 04, 2011 21:10

It's been a very up-or-down sort of weekend! Friday we got out of work early, and paladin and I went out for a seafood dinner (he got steak for his birthday; I got lobster for mine.) Saturday was sort of a whirlwind. We were having a party in the evening for my birthday, but when we got up in the morning, the kitchen sink would not drain. This was not awesome given the amount of cooking we had planned for the day! We called the building engineer and he showed up within an hour to attempt to wrangle our sink. While he was in the middle of that, I had to go to my dentist appointment.

So, for someone who hasn't been since she was in college, it was not as bad as it could have been. The hygienist was very nice, very patient, and very gentle. I have 4 or 5 minor cavities (not even enough to show up on X-rays) that I should get fixed, though I need a week or so to gather enough courage to make *that* appointment. Otherwise, though, they said my mouth was in surprisingly good shape for how long it has been. Comparative victory?

So I got back from that much later than I'd intended, and it turned out the building engineer had phoned for a proper plumber, who was supposed to show up around 5. The party was starting at 6 or thereabouts. We did some finnagling and managed to get the food all prepped without the use of the sink, which took some doing--paladin made a Bavarian apple torte (sort of like a cheesecake topped with the innards of an apple pie) as well as twice-baked potatoes, and I made my standard crab dip. Other people brought all manner of things--
intorporeal made two delicious peach pies, one with balsamic vinegar and one more traditional with ginger and raisins. There was a ridiculous quantity of food and alcohol, and I had a wonderful time. Getting a large number of my friends in a room is generally an awesome thing.

The plumber eventually showed up after 6, and didn't leave til half-past 8. There were some shenanigans with gushing water and other such aggravations, but the sink is fixed now, and the kitchen is mostly cleaned up, so I guess it's a net win.

Today has been a pretty low-key day; paladin was not feeling well, so he spent much of the day curled up on the couch with my Kindle and copy of The Hunger Games, while I played FFX to show him the plot. When I started the game up, I was halfway through the Thunder Plains. As of now, I'm halfway through Bikanel Island. I got owned by the stupid plant trying to get a treasure chest; I'll go back to it later. Fucking confuse effects.

We had Panera for dinner, which perked both of us up some, and then I read some of my backlog of fic and now I'm debating if I will continue to read or if I'll go play Dragon Age instead. I picked up the ultimate edition of Origins for Mac, or I could try to finish DA2.

Or I could be lazy.

I meant to write the draft of my Megaflare fic this weekend, which clearly is not happening at this point. Maybe tomorrow I'll at least manage some words on it. In the meantime, though, I'm pretty okay with just being lazydaisy on my birthday.

good times, health, adventures i'd rather not have had, birthday, party

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