really, Chicago?

Apr 18, 2011 21:39

It snowed this morning. In April. Easter is in less than a week and IT IS SNOWING. Fail, Chicago. I am disapprove.

On the other hand, I made delicious lentil sausage stew for dinner, which was comforting and lovely.

I spent my entire weekend doing absolutely nothing of use or value. I cleaned 6 episodes of NCIS and NCIS:LA out of the TiVo (plus three episodes of Fringe with the paladin), and I played Dissidia Duodecim. No, seriously, that's all I did. I have found the mass-level-grind trick, and I am nearly done with Scenario 012--and having sneaked peeks ahead in the guide, I see that I already know the story for 013, so I can put it aside without meepings when I get FF4 Complete on Wednesday. (omg omg omg omg omg~)

I still have not done work on
hardmode beyond what I had last week. I've outlined for DOINK!, but not put actual words down. Augh Dissidia ate my brain forever. :| other news, with
seventhe's encouragement, I may have spent *coughcough*$130*coughcough* on eyeshadow tonight. :| Granted that gets me 3 kits with a total of 40 or so different colors and they're all gorgeous and things I want to play with, but I probably should not have. On the other hand, I've been contemplating new makeup for a while now, and this gives me oodles of bright colors.

Despite the weekend of doing absolutely nothing, I am still completely out of spoons, and I am not sure where to find more. :/ What gives, brain? We gotta be functional here.

shopping, angst angst and woe

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