that was odd but awesome.

Sep 08, 2010 18:03

So, earlier today, I went on Amazon to purchase a bunch of anime, based on folks' recommendations in the last post. (Thank you all!) Wow, it has surely fallen in price from the days I remember when the box set of Weiß Kreuz was like $200. (This tells you how long it's been since I bought anime, right?) So I order a pile of stuff that looked kinda interesting, Amazon confirms, la la la.

I come home and check my stride halfway into the foyer, because there's an Amazon box next to the mail cubbies, with my name on it. And I have this bizarre, confused moment because even though I know there's no possible way my order from this morning is there ALREADY, it's still very odd.

It was, in fact, a box from my parents, containing three items off my Amazon wishlist: namely, the three boxsets of Avatar. Which is super exciting! And I called them immediately to tell them so, and to relate the story of my confusion. My dad laughed, and then we talked football, and about the TiVo he sent me.

(My parents are spoiling me extra rotten this year. I mean, even by my own standards of being a very well-loved only child. Not that I am complaining!)

So anyway. Timing is hilarious, and my parents are ♥. And now I am going to figure out how to set up the TiVo so we can record the new Avatar series. :D :D

p.s. I am disappoint that Professor Layton is not out until Saturday. saddest cat! perhaps I will play more of Suikoden 2.

good times, avatar: the last airbender, winning at life, family, birthday, video games, awesomeness cubed

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