Small Update. Nothing huge.

Jun 15, 2006 12:23

Just some bullet points regarding the last two weeks until I can write a real update.

The wedding went well. Not much has changed. More proof that Josh and I really didn't need a paper to say we're married. We were married already. Geez. Waiting for the professional pics back from Caitlin, I'll post those when they come in. I'll elaborate too. It was amazing. We were goofy, but we had fun and it was small and intimate just like we wanted. A few small snags, but the important things were all taken care of. :)

Norah starts daycare on Monday.

We move into Martha's house next weekend. We're painting and cleaning and getting rooms back to live-able standards. Tough after a few years of just being storage rooms. Come to our yard sale on Saturday (the 24th!), I need to sell things. Most of my things.

Still touching up paint on Norah's room. It was the darkest shade of forset green you can imagine. Think two to three coats of primer one coat of paint and an extensive touch up. It will be cute once I get the floors cleaned and the rugs down.

Going to Ikea next Thursday to hopefully get the last of the things we need for her room and ours. Curtains. Furniture bits. Stuff like that.

I need to go food shopping today as I haven't gone since before the wedding. Two weeks ago. Our fridge contains one lonley bottle of Coke, a gallon of spring water (from Jeremy I assume), condiments and butter. Maybe an onion? Expired cheesy hot dogs? I cleaned it out and was less than thrilled with the results.

I need to write thank you notes to all the guests and my vendors. Norah needs new clothes for daycare. I need new clothes for work (I'm down to one pair of pants and a couple of shirts).

Working this weekend. Which I dread with every bone in my body. DREAD. I hate closings and it's father's day weekend. So it will be inexplicably busy. People need to buy gifts ahead of time! I should talk, I haven't started yet.

My grandmother fell down the stairs and dislocated and broke her ankle. She's in surgery now because it won't go back into the joint. I'm going to visit her tomorrow. Hopefully I can bring Norah. Someone remind me to get a card and flowers (Josh!).

Okay. Off I go to Target, Old Navy and to get something for lunch. And maybe Lowe's. But I need to measure first. So maybe not?
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