Skips - Another Free Skip

Dec 20, 2010 23:33

Okay, so.... Pimping new comms and new rounds used to not be such a big deal but now that I am running more comms than ever --- yeah, it's become a lot harder task than I'd like it to be. So here is the deal.

You can earn 1 free extra skip PER community you are already in or will be in. You just have to pimp.

The rules? Read EVERYTHING below and do as the steps say :)

Choose the community you are asking for the skip for. (Example: abc_las)

Select 7 communities you wish to pimp on (either from the list below OR ones not added [you may advertise one links not listed, you just have to let me know the links]). Note that these communities must be in the same genre/fandom/theme/whatever as the topic which means you can't pimp a network community on say a movie comm since well --- networks are TV and Movies --- aren't? LOL.

Go to EACH of the communities you wish to advertise on and check their profile page to make sure there are no rules against advertising/pimping (if there are, please reply to my 'NO PIMPING' comment and tell me the community name and that they don't allow pimping so I can take it off my list!) then, if you don't see any rules against it, check out their main page to see if they have a 'Rules' page and make sure there is no rule there. If the community asks you to ask them for permission, ASK THEM FIRST and ASK NICELY! You have up to a WEEK (which *should* be enough time to get a reply).

After you have found 7 communities that allow pimping within them, copy/paste the form below as a reply to my 'REQUEST' comment and wait for a reply from me. It's FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE on the list of links and other comms not listed. DO NOT PIMP WITHOUT APPROVAL FIRST!

Pimp Comm #1: community wish to pimp on
Pimp Comm #2: community wish to pimp on
Pimp Comm #3: community wish to pimp on
Pimp Comm #4: community wish to pimp on
Pimp Comm #5: community wish to pimp on
Pimp Comm #6: community wish to pimp on
Pimp Comm #7: community wish to pimp on

Once you've gotten approval, go here and pick up a code to use. Also, if you don't want to use one of them, you can make your own, or write up your own pimp to suit the comm -- whatever! :) Then go pimp! :)

Once you've pimped, come back here, copy/paste the below info as a reply to my 'PIMPAGE' comment and wait for a reply. Once you get a reply from me, unless there is a problem, which I will tell you, then you will get your skip added!

Pimp Link #1: link of pimp
Pimp Link #2: link of pimp
Pimp Link #3: link of pimp
Pimp Link #4: link of pimp
Pimp Link #5: link of pimp
Pimp Link #6: link of pimp
Pimp Link #7: link of pimp

In more than one community currently? Signed up for more communities that haven't started yet and want to earn skip for them too? Just repeat the steps above per community!

1. You have ONE WEEK exactly from the time I approve your request to do the pimping and post your links. This includes asking for any permission needed if the community rules ask for that, etc. After one week, at 5 PM EST your request will be taken down and the communities will be up for grabs again to anyone else.

2. When you post a pimp, if the community is moderated and the post goes into moderation, please put a * (star) next to the link when you post the links so I know and then follow-up and TELL ME if it gets denied (so a) I can delete the community from the list and b) you can do another community to make sure you have a total of 7). You won't get your skip until ALL 7 are visible.

3. If you ALREADY see a post from me pimping the community on the site (like the most recent post) then please let me know so I can remove it from the list, as I don't want double-posting!

4. The ONLY comments that go on THIS page are QUESTIONS. The stuff you copy/paste goes on the specific community pages linked below to keep everything organized :)

5. I will add more links to communities people can use to pimp as a) people suggest more and b) as new comms are made/added

ABC Network
BBC Network
CBS Network
CW/WB/UPN Networks
Doctor & Rose
FOX Network *** closed until closer to Round #2
Harry Potter
Jack & Ianto
Kink *** closed until closer to Round #2
NBC Network
Original Fiction *** closed until closer to Round #2
SYFY Network
Stargate *** closed until closer to Round #2
Star Trek
TNT Network
The Vampire Diaries
USA Network

o: skips

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