(no subject)

May 05, 2010 06:11

So I wake this morning HOPING for a good day with food. I have moved back in with my parents and am still in the transition. Yet, moving home STILL REQUIRES RENT! I wish they wouldn't take my money ****sigh**** OH WELL.

Anywho today I have to eat meals, today I should probably eat snacks. My food schedule is so weird and NOT IDEAL that I get overwhelmed trying to stay on some type of meal plan. I don't know when I should eat because I usually don't get off work till 8:15pm. Thus, when I work I don't get to have dinner till 8:45-9pm BLAH!!!!! This makes me want to cry. MAYBE I should try to shift all my meals so I have dinner at about 4:15pm? GRRRRRRR..............THIS IS WHY I SAY FUCK IT AND JUST BINGE AND PURGE.

Anywho, there is this girl in program who just got 9 months of abstinence; why does she irritate me so? Is it a mirror.....no. Jealousy....maybe?

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