Talking Bodies

May 10, 2009 10:02

I use my mind to great extent
Analyzing, and figuring out what to do
Or what people mean or their motivations

I ride my feelings to understand
The deep wells that swirl inside me
And move me through my own motivations

I sink into my intuitive knowing sporadically
To learn the real truths under and above the mind and the heart,
and bring me to some objectivity

But I forget about the great communicative ways of the body

My grinding jaw tells me I'm worrying too much
My digestive upsets tell me I'm letting other people's needs supersede my own
My hoarse voice tells me I'm not listening enough to my body

And then there's touch

I know I long for it, scheduling massages occasionally so I have some
And I am happy in my independence
As it protects me from bad choices

But there's a long conversation that starts up in my cells
After a lingering hug with a beautiful friend
With whom I'm holding strong boundaries for a variety of reasons

How is that the body speaks so much louder than my mind?
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