Apr 26, 2009 22:48
Last Sunday, I flew back from RI, after a visit w/my sister and Mom in the dementia unit. Arrived home at midnight, and still a week later, my body hasn't gotten on the right sleep cycle.
Monday, Went back to work, and that night I got horribly sick to my stomach. Either I had dairy, or it was tension, but I barely made it home in time to get to the bathroom. Doubled over in pain all night.
Wednesday, I decided I needed to make some time to let out my sadness about seeing Mom like that. Had a cry in the morning before going to work, and thought I was okay. Then en route had a small collision w/a car in front of me. Really a bump, but that certainly raised the anxiety level. Ruined the whole day really.
Thursday, we had our first ever one-day-only-sale at work. It was unbelievably busy - an utter deluge of phone calls, so much I had to ask co-workers to help out answering phone messages. There was no way we could catch up. Plus our ticketing computer program, well let's just say it has limitations. On the websales module of the website, people couldn't see the promotion unless they knew where to look, and it's not obvious. So people bought their tix w/o entering the discount, and then wanted refunds. We couldn't even get to the process of refunding them that day. Apparently the phones were ringing till 10 pm that night, even though we weren't answering. Utterly exhausting.
Friday, spent most of the day refunding people, plus processing unfinished orders. Additionally, I was surreptitiously creating a scrapbook for a dear co-worker whose last day it was. Then at the end of the day, I was supposed to bring her present to the party for her. I ran the business report that sends through the credit cards to the bank. Because we'd had to make refunds, I hadn't run any since Wed, so there were a lot of transactions to send through. Naturally, the program messed up. I still have to try to figure this out tomorrow morning.
Oh my God, that's a lot.
So, thank the gods, I had a complete Princess day Saturday. Rimble had gotten a gift certificate to a spa as a work bonus, and sadly, Ms. Wynkat couldn't go, due to the risk of scents. (And there were some). So, i got to go with him to get a massage and a hot tub. Fantastic. I am soooooo grateful, and am pondering what I can possibly do to reciprocate. Not sure that I can equal it, but certainly gratitude is felt.
Afterwards he dropped me off at home, and I got to just sit around and do what I want. I took a nap and read and watched a movie. Then today, my plans got cancelled, so in the end, I had a full day and half with no obligations. Glorious riches, to just do what I want when I want. I spent some of that tidying and cooking and doing laundry, but it felt great just to tend to me and my world. Hooray, hoorah. It's been an intense couple of weeks. Glad to be back to center.