Jun 25, 2007 09:13
My brother decided that I needed to play WoW again. He isn't the only person asking me to play it again either. He was eager enough that he bought the expansion for me so I relented and started playing again. I started a Draeni Priest on Terrokar and my brother has a Human Paladin. This is my first char to really play on alliance.
I started playing on Friday and got to 22 last night. Leveling seems much easier now and quests give a shit load of faction. I was revered with my racial faction at around level 15! This is the first time running around in the Draeni newbie zones. Next time I should be able to go even faster.
Another first is being on a PvE carebear server. When we were in Ashenvale last night, it took me a minute to realize why I couldn't attack the enemy horde that walked by us :( I was smacking the hell out of the buttons trying to nuke his ass. It was kinda funny being in the NE village of Astranaar and not having the guards chasing me around this time...lol. There's a lot more organized PvP than when I first started playing the first time, so I don't expect to miss the ability to do world PvP as much(you still can a bit on PvE, but it just isn't the same).
Our duo is working very well. I pull and kill the runners, while my brother tries to keep the attention of 5+ mobs at a time. I get bored if we only fight one mob at a time. I think I'm going to insist on pulling when we do instances in groups later on...muahaha.
Walking around Alliance areas made me realize how ghetto Horde is. Stuff just seems more polished and complete.