Apr 20, 2009 22:20
Well then. Doesnt that time of the month make me the most emotional bitch I know. Yupp. Sure does. The week before I rag I go crazy- like- banana sangwhich kinda crazo. Everything always feels like the end of the world. DAMN YOU BODY! STOP BEING SO HORMONAL! What am I going to do when I get prego. No one is going to want to be around me. Not even me. Dang nabit.
Well needless to say (irregardless muwahaha) we're fine yet again. Love rules all haha
Tinas wedding is coming up! May 9th and Im the maid of honour. I always write Bride of Honour haha living vicariously or what! Im very excited because I got her and Andre tickets to Metallica in OTTAWA! It was $300!! thats stupid. But totally worth it, I love Tina. And I love Zoe. She is getting so big, she just turned 4 months on the 7th. I love the crap out of her. I cant wait until I have babies. *SIGH*
Mat is in the field tonight and Im here its 10:30 at night and Im wating to get the call to have to go get him. We've been doing really good other than my psycho week of the month. I feel so bad that I put that strain on our relatipn...
So I have become quiet the little gardner. I have a bunch of seeds (onions, corn, tomatoes, etc.) growing in the house and I cant wait until they get big! But odds are they'll probably all DIE! Gosh darnit.
I talk to Leah every week now. I want to be in her life more now that she doesnt have Josh. I feel pretty close with her and I hope she feels close with me. She tells me all her secrets so I'd think we're pretty good friends. I call her every sunday, because sunday is Joshs day... its so weird that it has been so long since Josh passed away. Its been over two months. It makes me sad to see how sad Leah is... but Im glad I can be here to help her. I want to be able to give her something in this life.
I got accepted to the Personal Support Worker program and I start September 8th. My parents dont seem like they give a fuck at all. Everyone is missing my college grad and no one will be there to see me get my diploma... I dont know how far that is considering I am only the 2nd person in my ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY to graduate post secendary. Me and my cousin Jerremy. But Tinas wedding is the 9th and my grad is the 30th and they cant stay here that long... so yet again... my graduation is unimportant next to my sister(s) wedding. My parents have made no point to even give a crap that Im going for my SECOND diploma. Well... hopefully Ill be happy with myself. Thats what is important. Im debating going back to b.c. for a few months this summer. I might go while Andre and Tina are there. I want to go to the Roots and Blues festival with Nancy Lee! That will be fun.
We'll see how it all turns out.
P.S. I need a jobbb!!!