Oct 07, 2009 00:15
So I randomly cried today, when I realized that my recent break-up was very much the same as my last break-up. Both guys are completely different, but both don't know what they want and weren't happy. It's hard not to feel a drop in self-esteem in such a situation. How do you keep yourself from thinking "What is so wrong with me that I make these guys unhappy?"
In actuallity, it's just that I'm a great catch, and they know it, but we just aren't right for each other. They are likely unhappy because they think they should fall in love with me, or love me a certain way, but can't. I want a committed serious relationship, and they don't. It's hard a situation when you aren't on the same page.
It isn't me. It isn't even necessarily them. It just isn't right.
So it sucks. I'm lonely. I'm sad. These emotions aren't just about the most recent break-up. I think it's still unprocessed emotions from the previous relationship. The previous one was pretty long and serious for a time, so it isn't surprising. I think the current emotions are being displaced onto the recent break-up.
I just need to get over them both. I need to learn to be happy on my own and not let that happiness be controlled by wheter or not some guy is interested in me or not. I think I had that at one time. I need to get it back.
I gotta get back to me.