Aug 29, 2005 17:38
Well, well, well.
No new revelations and nothing new really has happened lately, just decided to update since the lack of internet at my house makes my internet use go down to a few times a week, not a few times a day. Sad, I know (both).
The internship is going great. I've seen cool things and am learning lots, everything it should be. I sorta miss having a normal life tho. I went out for the first time in almost a month last night. Our social time at the apartment consists of either complaining about the boat captains being shitheads and not driving all of 25mi to see the not-sleeping whales, or getting excited about the cool shit we saw, which sometimes is the exact same thing cuz both our boats are on the same whale. We're dorks (and that's not the technical term). Explanation: dork=whale penis.
Um... yeah, I worked 8 days in a row before I had a day off. Today is my first office day, which is nice 'cuz you just talk to the few people who wander into the exhibit/gallery and just work the rest of the time. I finished 7 trip write ups so far today. Hopefully I can get at least 1 more done before I leave here at 7. So yeah.. those 8 days in a row consisted of waking up, going on 2 whale watched, going home, eating dinner, doing some work or sitting on my ass, going to bed, and doing it all over again. Needless to say I've lost track of what day it is. I asked Ryan on Saturday if he had the next day off work (Sunday, duh). I didn't realize what I'd done 'till I called my Mom on Sunday while walking home from 7 Seas whale watch and realized it was Sunday. Bad. Oh well.
So that's about it.
Peace out peeps.
Send money or granola bars my way.