Dragons, and giant snakes, and weird Korean legends, oh my!

Jan 29, 2008 00:35

Dragon Wars.

Sooo many people are harpin' on this movie. "It's the worst thing ever!" "It's horrible!" "I'll never get that hour of my life back!" blahblahblah bitchbitchbitch

What I think people fail to realise is that this is, at it's heart, a monster flick.

Is it cheesy? Hell yes. Does the plot have more holes than a decades old moth-eaten coat? Yeah. Are there times where you're yelling at the screen because of the stupidity? Sure. Does your brain melt a little while trying to keep up with all the weird Korean names for the monsters? Ow. Yes. Is there a Darth Vader/Sauron/Witch King rip-off that gets hit by a car not once, but twice? *snerk* Yup!

But are there some cool-ass city-destroying battles, absolutely fantastic CGI, loads of gunfire, explosions, laughs, and oodles of monsters and dragons? Fuck yes!

If people went to see this or rented this movie expecting the next cinematic masterpiece, then yeah, I can see why they're pissed.... but the worst movie ever? *laughs* Oh, you poor sheltered fools. I've seen things that would make you want to pry your eyes out with a spork....

But seriously, people (and me!) don't watch the old Godzilla movies because they won awards (Holy gods, the dubbing! Ack, I can see Godzilla's zipper!), we watch 'em because it's fun! Because it's fun to watch some cheesey monster-flick with the battles and plot holes and huge amounts of gunfire and cool monsters waging epic fights.

(And then there are the strange and odd people out there who don't like a cheesy flick from time to time.... *eyes people* You know who you are!)

Personally, my copy of Dragon Wars (also titled D-War) is proudly sitting on my shelf for all to see. I love this movie.

It's cheese, but it's good cheese.

Plus, y'know, the giant snakes and dragons are cool too. *smirk*

dragons, misc

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