Updates, various

Feb 20, 2018 23:16

Skeezix, (from a classic comic strip character) aka Cuchulain, aka Bob, gets to go to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully not a big deal, but one eye is runny and kind of irritated looking. We have made a point of handling him a lot and monkeying about with his eyes as he has had serious eye problems before and mightily resented treatment. He ain't that big yet, but he is razor sharp and slick as an eel.

Echo is doing well, as far as we can tell. Seems happy, and is affectionate and playful.

Took Ginny out for some exercise and to get an oil filter for her. The guys in the parts store asked a few questions about her, went round-eyed at the answers, and stood in the doorway to listen as we left. They are fans now. It's fun to talk about her with people who really know what's up.

I had been doing pretty well since my last injection, and I swear that I have been even more useless than usual. I have even been -- *shudder* -- careful. But while walking down a very gentle incline last Saturday, in a perfectly smooth, paved parking lot, my back screamed "Fuck You, Lash", seized up, and has been an asshole ever since. I also have random cramps in my arms, legs, ankles, feet, and hands. This is very interesting at times. I got a new round of anti-inflammatory stuff and muscle relaxants, and we'll see how that goes.

The worst part of this is that I am going to have to pay someone to do some stuff I could (formerly) have easily done myself. That just. Fucking. Sucks.

It won't cost all that much, and I'm glad to give this guy the work, but shit. "Can't", is no longer a challenge, it's a fuckin' fact, and that sucks. Those of you in this same leaky old boat know what I mean. If you are still young and strong, don't be stupid. Unless you are from Krypton you will fuck your own shit up if you over-stress your body.

Trust me. I'm a lot of doctors' favorite person.

I'm okay, really, considering, and I kind of have it coming. So I do what I can.



Love one another.

Word to -- but you all know that by now.


wimp ass whinging, word to your mother, samjackson, scroomall

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