Author: Lash_Larue
Title: “Not Fate” Chapter 22 of ?
Pairing: Fleur/Hermione
Rating: R (mild)
Summary: Hermione meets the trees, a step is taken
Warnings: Brief reference to past traumatic events
Word Count: 1950
Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling, except the ones like Linda Wilkes, who don’t.
“Not Fate”
Chapter Twenty-two
Hermione arrived by portkey at WMD. There were no wood fires here, and no fireplaces. Fleur swept her up in her arms, hugged her until she squeaked, and then proceeded to practically drag her over to meet some of her colleagues.
“Professor Granger, we meet at last!” exclaimed Dean Clark.
“Dean Clark, Professor Hermione Granger; Robert, Hermione,” Fleur pronounced, her eyes sparkling with joy.
“A pleasure to meet you, Dean Clark,” Hermione said as she took his offered hand, “Fleur speaks most highly of you.”
“The name is Robert,” he insisted, “we don’t stand on ceremony here. You know, I can’t even hold a grudge against Linda for stealing you from me. No one school deserves to have you both,” he stated. “However, I am prepared at any time to give you your own department here.”
“They never stop, do they,” Hermione asked Fleur, “Linda and he?”
“Nope, and we never will,” Clark answered for her. “I’ll leave it to Fleur to show you around, Hermione, but again, I’m honored to meet you. Frankly, it does my old heart good to see the two of you together; nobody else deserves either one of you.”
Hermione decided that she quite liked Robert Clark.
“Come, you must meet the others,” Fleur insisted as she took Hermione’s hand.
Everyone there already knew who Hermione was of course, either by her own reputation or through Fleur. Hermione felt that she already knew many of them as well, and she had to admit that the place was decidedly relaxing and welcoming. All of Fleur’s colleagues greeted her warmly. Well… nearly all.
“Hermione, this is Lilac, Lilac, my Hermione,” Fleur introduced them with one of her best smiles.
Lilac stared at Hermione mutely, one brow arched, and Hermione returned her gaze levelly. Fleur was just beginning to feel the tiniest bit uneasy when Lilac’s face bloomed into what even Hermione had to admit was a most impressive smile.
“I agree, Fleur, my dear friend. This woman was created especially for you. Forgive my initial greeting please, Hermione. I am an empath, and I wanted to be sure that you are good for my friend. Fleur is precious to all of us here.”
“Anyone who cares for my Fleur is on my good list,” Hermione said cautiously. The emphasis was not lost on Lilac of course.
“I admit it, I tried, but can you blame me? Fleur, have not others both men and women pursued this fabulous creature that you have ensnared?”
A familiar twinkle appeared in Fleur’s eyes, and Hermione knew a moment of real fear.
”Please, my love,” she begged silently, ”not the Gabrielle story…”
“Beyond all doubt,” Fleur agreed, “but what I have won with such effort I shall yield to no one!”
“No doubt she feels the same,” Lilac replied, “I concede, Hermione, but there was never any real battle to begin with. Her heart has always been yours. May we be friends?”
“I should very much like that,” Hermione replied. “But I have to confess that in your company I feel very plain and dumpy indeed. You are quite beautiful, even to me, and I have extremely high standards,” Hermione told her as she turned her gaze on Fleur.
“This one knows the game,” Lilac said with a smile. “Let us just be friends united in our admiration and respect for Fleur. Confidentially, Robert has told me to do whatever I can to convince you to come here, but I shall not, I need no such competition here.”
“Enough, you two cats!” Fleur chided. “Come beloved; let us get you settled in before dinner.”
“I was ready to hate her,” Hermione admitted as they headed for Fleur’s cabin, “but she’s really nice, isn’t she?”
“She is. Everyone here is. I have never been in a place like this, no real jealousy, no backbiting. It is a truly soothing place to be.”
“Do you want me to come here?”
“I want you to be where you are happy in your work. We have to work, and it is best that we earn our living where we are most comfortable, best suited. There can never be enough time together, and as long as we must work we should do it where we are happy in that work, n’est ce pas? I love you with all that I am, but I would not take you from your sunshine against your will. You must meet my trees, yes, but they do not have to be your trees, do you see?”
“I do. Is there time before dinner for us to have a little appetizer? I’ve missed you.”
“Of course, and I promise not to miss you…”
The meal was wonderful, and it was both Hermione and Fleur’s first experience of a traditional American Thanksgiving.
“No wonder the Colonists won the Revolution,” Hermione groaned, “they were better fed.”
“Not so,” promised Robert. “Truth to tell the original Thanksgiving feast was likely a few wormy ears of corn and a slow-moving buzzard. But what’s the fun in serving that? Fleur has been telling me tales about this island of hers, is it everything she says?”
“You’ve been to Linda’s school, right?” Hermione asked him.
“Not often enough, but yes,” he admitted.
“St. Catherine’s is better.”
“Are you and Linda related, by any chance?” Hermione asked him.
“Who knows? Okay, I promised Fleur that I wouldn’t hound you about coming here, and I won’t. But is there any chance that I could convince you to conduct a seminar on Legilimency here?”
Hermione turned quickly to Fleur.
“Oui, I told him. He is a true friend; also…” Fleur began, and she caught Robert’s eyes and received a small nod in return, “also, we have that in common.”
“I’m very sorry, Robert,” Hermione said gently, “but now you have each other as friends, and me, if you will allow it.”
“It’s just a very old scar for me, now,” he said, “but I can always use a friend. I know a bit about Legilimency myself, and what Fleur described to me was remarkable. I’ve never been able to see anything but a series of still images. And to actually be able to influence the memories…”
“That isn’t always achievable,” Hermione assured him, “it was primarily our love and Fleur’s trust in me that made that possible. And of course, the beauty and elegance of how her mind is organized. But I would be pleased to come here and share what I know.”
“She is just being modest,” Fleur said proudly, “she is without peer in this area.”
“Pumpkin pie?” offered Lilac.
“You’re trying to make me fat, aren’t you?” Hermione accused.
“Now why would I do that?” Lilac purred.
“No, Hermione,” Fleur said decisively, “I do not want you to come and teach here. This ceaseless catfighting would drive me mad!”
“Way to go, Lilac,” muttered Dean Clark.
”Thank you,” mouthed Fleur and Hermione to Lilac.
Lilac winked a very lovely eye in return.
The following day was devoted to introducing Hermione to Fleur’s friends the trees.
“I never imagined…” Hermione said in awe, “I’ve read about them, of course, but…”
“Mere words cannot hold them,” Fleur agreed, “they greeted me as their child the moment I walked beneath their branches.”
“I think that you might really sort of be their child, Fleur,” Hermione said as she gazed on the ancient giants.
“How do you mean?”
“The Veela, before they began to mingle with humans, didn’t they live in forests?” Hermione asked.
“Oui, there are still many Veela living deep in the forests back home. My Aunt Ariel lives in such a place,” Fleur confirmed.
“There is something different here, something I can’t quite identify, I feel almost as if the trees are talking to you, trying to tell you something…” Hermione’s face took on a dreamy expression.
“My love?” Fleur questioned.
“I wonder…” Hermione whispered. Slowly she took up her wand and pointed it at the great tree before her.
Fleur watched in fascination as Hermione tried to reach the mind of a tree. Hermione stared fixedly at the giant, and after several minutes gave a little shiver and made the ‘tutting’ sound that Fleur knew meant she was a bit frustrated.
“Thanks for not laughing,” Hermione told Fleur, “I didn’t expect much, and I didn’t get much, but…”
“Oui?” encouraged Fleur.
“I would almost swear there is some sort of awareness there, it is just too different for me to understand. As strange as it feels to say it, I believe that these trees remember Veela, and actually sort of miss them…” She gave Fleur a rueful little smile and a shrug of her shoulders. “Are you going to call medical?”
“Non, but I am going to write to Aunt Ariel, perhaps there is something in the histories they have there that will shed some light on this. I shall also invite her to visit, to see if she feels these trees as I do. Such a possibility must be explored, even though few would lend it credence,” Fleur told her.
“I know someone I bet would, though, and so do you,” Hermione told her.
Hermione and Fleur hurried into town, and as was to be expected the magic center was holiday busy. But they were at last able to get to a floo and Luna was fortunately at home. Also as expected, she betrayed not the least bit of surprise, neither at Fleur and Hermione being a couple, nor at the tentative question Hermione asked regarding the trees.
“That’s very interesting, and of course I’d love to come and meet these trees. We’ll arrange a time in the spring, they’re sleepy now. I expect that’s why you had trouble understanding them, Hermione. I’m happy for you both as well; I was starting to think that I was going to have to take a hand in getting you two together. Honestly, for brilliant witches you’ve both been a bit thick, haven’t you? It’s been lovely talking with you again, goodbye for now; I’ll see you in the spring.” Luna smiled and was gone.
As always after hearing Luna render the absurd mundane, Hermione was a little dazed.
“Excuse me,” asked a witch who was trying to mask her impatience, “but are you done with the fire? I’d like to make a call myself.”
“Oh, sorry, yes, it’s all yours,” Hermione answered, and she and Fleur returned to Fleur’s home.
“Another parting approaches,” Fleur said sadly, as she held Hermione close to her in their bed.
“That just means that another reunion will follow,” Hermione said logically.
“True, I shall try and think of it like that. Christmas is coming, and Gabi will join us. There is much to look forward to.”
“We should get her something special from the two of us, something to let her know how much we love her,” Hermione said as she nuzzled Fleur’s neck.
“That is exactly what I have been thinking,” Fleur agreed. “And now I have something to ask of you, my beloved…”
“I was thinking more along the lines of a locket like the ones we have,” Hermione finally managed to respond.
“We shall do that as well,” Fleur agreed, “just consider this. But not now, now we must think only of each other.”
Fleur rolled Hermione onto her back, and soon Hermione couldn’t really think at all. She did come back to full reality though when Fleur placed Hermione’s hand on her breast and held it there for a time. And Hermione felt the sensitive flesh harden at her touch before Fleur gently moved it away.
A small step, but a step nonetheless.
Chapter 23 -