Hey, Patchouli. It's me, Marisa! I bet you already knew that, hahaha! Call me back.
Marisa again. Give me some good German words to use. I know some but not enough.
You think I could handle having a pet? I wonder what kind I should get.
My magic shop is open so you should stop by sometime! It's kind of empty at the moment though.
You speak any Spanish? My dad person is a little insane but sometimes I hear it slip out. I want to say "Witch of Love" in that language.
I'll be coming over sometime so leave the door unlocked. I hate to have to accidentally burn a lock off!
Seriously, call me back.
[Out in the front yard on 1764 Beaver is a cardboard box, a Marisa, a telephone with an extension cord, and a small human shaped thing made out of Popsicle sticks. Marisa looks pleased with her creation, mutters a few magic words and...
...it comes to life!
For about two seconds. Then it explodes. To Marisa's dissatisfaction which you can see by her magically charred face and frown.]