Your Sun Sign: Cancer Sun 20° Cancer 38'
Element: Water
Key Planet: Moon
Crabs live in the inter-tidal zone of the oceans, where tides rise and fall twice every day. This is the most dynamic and changeful place on earth, but also the most nutrient rich. Because of the constant change, Crabs have developed a hard outer shell for protection. You Crabs can use the hard outer shell of your home as your protection. But it's more than just that. Typically, your sensitive Crabs can hold your feelings quietly behind your own walls.
Motto: "A good defense is the best offense."
Greatest Strength: Your ability to nurture others
Possible Weakness: Fear of the past repeating in the future
Your Moon Sign: Cancer Moon 7° Cancer 58'
Cancer is the home sign of the Moon, which indicates that you are a very lunar or feeling-oriented person. These strong emotional instincts tend to make you protective of those close to you, expressing a maternal quality of care and concern. Preserving traditions tends to be more appealing than heading into uncharted territory, and this can make you slow to accept changes in your routine. You tend to be cautious about coming out of your shell, but you're also a builder who can slowly and carefully nurture a new business or organization. Because you feel so strongly, it can be hard to step back and take an objective look at your situation and discover alternatives to the position you're holding onto so tightly.
Motto: "Everything is personal."
Greatest Strength: Loyalty to those close to you
Possible Weakness: Allowing emotions to overcome logic
Your Rising Sign: Libra Ascendant 27° Libra 03'
Libra Rising is a sign of social skill, charm and grace. You approach the world with a distinct sense of harmony, seeking to create an environment in which others feel welcome. Your manner is likely to be quite attractive with a natural sense of style. You often put others first, setting aside own needs until theirs are met. While this is a delightful habit that most people appreciate, it can make it harder to stand up for yourself. Battling for others, for justice and fairness comes easily, but fighting for your own interests may be more difficult for you.
Motto: "Is everybody happy?"
Greatest Strength: Bringing harmony to your environment
Possible Weakness: Unwillingness to deal with confrontation