May 06, 2005 05:20
Basically I was writing and wanted to write about how Cat called me yesterday. It made me so happy. She's grounded pretty badly and can't use the phone or anything(Including go to school.) So my daily dose of feeling complete is a rare thing to come by now days. That one part is just missing. Me being able to be the last person she hears before she goes to sleep, telling her her how much he loves her and wishes her the greatest of dreams. Then hanging up and knowing that she feels complete and can sleep well, and me knowing that she loves me just the same and I can't wait till I can see her again. This is where it turned into a quite hateful entry about her mom. Because Cat is not allowed to see me anymore because her mom feels that she doesn't have control over Cat now that she's finally happy.. And here I go..
Also.. Don't mind the spelling errors, I wrote this somewhere around 5 in the morning(Friday). And I only had like a full night worth of sleep somewhere around Monday. Can't blame me for now wanting to correct every little thing I missed.
A Lovely Entry About How Much I Can Hate Someone.. Someone Meaning: I've Never Hated Anyone Until I Recently Realized Some People Don't Deserve Any Respect.. EVER!! And One of Those People Go By The Name of Jacky McConnell. Terrible Mother of Four, Lacks All Good Aspects of Parenting. Just A Plain Old Bitch
The Woman Seriously Should Not Have Had or Even Thought About Having A Kid.
...Except Cat.. She did good by giving birth to Cat.. That's the one good thing that she has ever done.. She should have stopped having kids after Cat and realized how awful of a parent she is.. Then she should have just given Cat to me.. =o)
But seriously.. I miss Cat.. She grew to be the only reason(And still is the only reason) I want to succeed in life.. I want to take care of her.. I want to bathe her with gifts upon gifts.. I want to be the one she hears whispering "I Love You" to and wishing her the greatest dreams a person could have.. Before she wanders off to dream the best dreams a person who has the best of dreams could ever have.. But there is an obstacle blocking these two bleeding hearts from healing.. She is the one known as Cat's fuck up mother. So if you thought the shit talk on the whore mother of the Cat McConnell was a bit much, you have so much more to learn. If you actually know the situation I am and will be discussing in this entry and agree with the mothers point of view.. Stop now.. If you read it and start thinking to yourself "I kind of know where her mom is coming from..." Then stop reading when you first think that.. This was just the beginning..
And Now For A Brief Insider of The Sad Story of The Perfect Girl Given Away By Random To The Unjust Spawn of Satan Through A Simple Game of Sin. The Right Girl Being In The Womb of The Her Enemy Without Choice And Will Never Feel The Freedome A Teen Should Feel.
I wish Cat's mom wasn't such a psycho bitch who needs to learn how to not have children until she has been professionally trained by God herself and must maintain a 4.0 Average.. With a 78 year degree on how to be a good parent to her children and how not to neglect her children and only feed the only child who kiss her ass and how to not ground her daughter because she found a condom in her room(seriously.. what does that mean?) And how to not pull her daughter out of school just to reasure herself that she can control every little thing her daughter does just because she doesn't want her daughter(who deserves the world) to see the only person who was the only reason she started trying to do good in school and the only reason she was trying to get a job and was her motivation to want to do anything in life, and also, at the end of the 78 years and a 4.0 Average GPA Degree Issued by God Herself.. Should be forced to sign a paper saying that every child she gives birth to must be given up for addoption, Because even all the trainning and years and years of special classes she took, won't do the dumb cunt no parenting skills bitch of a mother any good, because she's just way to ignorant and stupid to have been even considered to be a human on this earth, let alone the "parent" of one of the most calm, beautiful people this world has ever seen. Seriously woman..What good is taking away all phone privilages, not letting her even go anywhere near your piece of shit computer,keeping her from school, keeping her locked in the house letting her out only once a week when she is forced to go to church with you(alternate option.. You won't feed her unless she goes.. It has been done, I am witness.)not letting her even close her door and forcing her to believe that the only friends she has are the four walls surrounding her head as she dreams of maybe what could have been a better life for her going to do her?
I think I know what good it might do her..
She wouldn't have to pretend to be happy at home. She gets words thrown at her that keeps her down, Mother mother of hers gets her daily thrills by saying things that are sure to hurt Cat, and often end those painful sentances in "You have no reason to be sad, so stop acting." Isn't she sad cause you're a bitch to her right now.. Yes indeed.. There's a reason there.. Yes, we're off to a great start.
Shit Quality Parent Must Have Not Had Human Contact Before, Most Humans Would Act Differently If They Were The Parent In These Few Situations
But for now.. Just remember that when you're old and rotting, she may possibly neglect you the things you need to survive like the times many times you seemed to not care when she was lacking survival needs.
The Wrong You Do, The Care You Don't Show And A Possible Solution For Pleasent Revenge Seeking
You come home with food you had bought. But wait. Cat and Josh were purposely left out of the the hunger society so came to the table with the dissapointment of the mother neglecting them(Happened on more than one occasion.)
So Cat asks you if you were going to make any food for her and Josh. Answer she recieved: I ate, I'm not hungry, not going to cook. So Cat goes and makes her younger brother some food. Leaves it on the stove for him, comes back to the kitchen and see's that some slut named Cat's mom decided to eat it.. (I like how not being hungry is a good way to weasel out of cooking and starve your kids..)
Remember That moment when you're old and hungry..
Where You're Actions Just May Get You:
When you are in a wheelchair and haven't had working legs for years, maybe we are a bit irate at the idea that you just sit around all day and do nothing productive.. New rule, you will not be fed unless you get up and walk around for 25 minutes before every meal, and we need our entertainment, do a little dance and we might think about your desert. Maybe we'll let you call one of your friends and talk for awhile.. That's IF the phone lines not being used(a busy phone line also applies to me waiting for a call.. Aww.. Look.. I never know when anyones gonna call.. So I'll just be fucking waiting.). And also.. For everytime you are asked to walk, and you just sit there with your broke ass legs.. Is another day you don't get to be pushed around in your wheelchair...
Is This Even Legal!?
Do you Remember when you took away her door, all her blankets/and pillows, all her CDs, her stereo, her cell phone, her posters, and you even took away her mattress leaving her to sleep on the floor cold and feeling nothing but sad and alone, with no one she can confide in, cause you don't like her doing that when she's sad.. I think maybe if you showed the slightest care, there might be a chance at thinking you care about her, but you just saw it as another good reason to ground her. Maybe all she wanted was a hug from you, at the least.. Just to feel the least bit of comfort... Do you remember that day? Yeah.. It's the morning she comes stumbling in while she was quite possibly the victim of what seemed to be a set up(it's all old, I'm not angry like back then at the guy, I haven't seen him in awhile either, kinda miss hanging out with them...) Story time.. She was told of a party, she snuck out. Then got there and it was only two guys. No names are being told. But one of em was like "I have to go home, but I refuse to leave if you don't drink, declining at first and later giving in. After a few drinks, she just kept drinking and drinking(9 shots of 151 all together.) It's messed up cause the only reason she even started drinking is cause one of the guys there(which was one of my close friends) told her that I was just using her as a back up and that I don't really care for her at all, so ofcourse that got her a couple shots down and just where you need her(I always had to watch out for her when she drank, she can't stop herself.) Well anyhows.. She woke up in a public restroom hurting, thinking the worst, and going home to find that someone isn't as sly as he thinks, first off, she was a virgin, so yeah.. Kind of skeptical when you're hurting down there and you don't remember the night before.. And also, going home to find that her underwear had been removed and put back on backwards. And what did this mother of hers do? Oh yeah... You refused to take the girl to get a rape kit. Refused to get her checked for any STD's, and refused to get her a pregnancy test.
Mrs. Terrible Mother.. Did you or did you not REFUSE not only a rape kit.. But a pregnancy test for your 16 year old child? And what about another wonderful parent move made when also refused to take her to see if quite possibly[And if true(we wouldn't know would we?) could be the dream every rape victim dreams about.. Quite possibly soon becoming friends with death and/or maybe a couple scars to prove it.]
The Great Scenerio And What You Deserve For What Was Explained In The Paragraph Above
I think you are just plain fucked up. You should be arrested for neglecting the girls right to do those things. And instead of comfort you say how dissapointed you are and how much you can't trust her!?! There are bigger things at stake here. I'm not even going to bother with what you deserve. Here's a rope, there's a bridge. Here's a gun, there's where that bullet belongs(Point's at her head.) Those are options.. Get a clue.
Just Another Reason I Think You Should Never Have Kids:
Speaking of missing a couple periods, let's branch off into another wonderful move you have marked on yourself as one of the most asshole things you have done..
Maybe you might remember this conversation (you must also remember that a couple minutes before this conversation between you and cat had taken place, your wallet was being visited, nothing stolen, she just wanted to know how much her mother lies to her saying how she "doesn't have that kind of money." That moment also reminded her why she hated her mom so much and reminded her once again how her mom has no parenting skills what so ever, for the record.. there was three hundred and fifty dollars in your wallet on this occasion. Directly after seeing that in your wallet.. She goes to talk to you..) She asks a simple question.. Also one of those things a girl needs in life, experience and observe if you would also like to be a shitty parent..
The Beautifulllliiiist Girl Ever(Catherine McConnell): "Mom, Can I get a couple bucks for tampons?"
Bitch Mom: "No, I don't have that kind of money to spare."
Wow, not only do you not feed her alot of times because she doesn't see things exactly like you.. But you decide that you would rather not neck out a couple bucks for your daughter to get something that(I'm pretty sure) is considered an essential need in a woman's life. That's not human. It's not human to not care that much about one of your own children. Kind of a bitch move, agreed?
Throwdown At The Revenge Brainstorming Meeting Consisting of Me Listening To Cat Tell Me How Bad You Treat Her And Us Both Creating Scenerio's of You Getting A Taste of How Much A Person With Bad Parenting Skills, Such As Yourself Should Remain Virgins Forever And Die Lonely And Miserable.
The Scenerio is.. It has come to that point where you're so weak and old(But otherwise healthy and looking at a couple years to live still.. Sadly) and you have a problem. It's okay to say it, it happens quite often in old age. Anal Leakage and just plain simple "I couldn't make it to the restroom again." Well, I don't know, without any of your help.. Me and Cat are now millionaires but you know what? It's not something you really need. And yes.. You will be catching the bus everywhere you want to go, make sure you poopie before you board!
You, Ms. McConnell are Grade A Bitch.
Do something productive and die.
You are EVERY child's dream mother.. Because every child loves it when atleast three times a day, their ever so loving, ever so caring mother comes up to them and picks at them.. and purposely says things to keep their spirits in the gutter and then blames them for the reason why the ever so loving mother purposely goes picking weak points in their childs life and won't stop about it until the child actually think's they did do something wrong.. Just so the parent can feel like they are possible cause for change.. When it is false guilt that is planted in them through words they start to believe.. Bitch bitch bitch.. How did Cat end up with a bitch mother like you?.. Bitch.Well.. If you blocked out all the parts where you fucked up.. And only remembered the parts where you drove her to the point where she got sick of being blamed for nothing so finally went out and gave you something to yell at her for.. She sure does, she remembers it all.. So remember that when you're in a white room with nothing but yourself and a few padded walls to talk to.. And your skin being the source of a blanket and the only thing that will cover you throught the cold nights.
You think you're doing such a good job at raising her.. I have known her for almost a year.. I have never seen or heard you once say anything to motivate Cat, only heard you say things that make her cry, and seems like you get off on doing that. Me being there and talking to her was more motivation for her than you. And my caring for her is the most love is the most she has ever felt and the most wanted she has ever felt in 17 years. I just think it's funny that Cat finally got happy, and you found where the root of it all was coming from, and decided to cut off all of the possible ways she might be able to communicate with me. Then just saying fuck it.. I guess you sensed that the state of pain you had put the girl though wasn't good enough, so what do you do? Hmm.. Take away what little she has left.
Ever wonder what happened to the nice mom that Cat probably was supposed to belong to? And don't think I'm making up all of this because I hate you(Which I am not even going to try and hide.. I do hate you.. Very hard to hate someone.. But I just simply hate you.) Cat would simply agree with me(And we both agree with each other when she comes crying to me about how much her mother makes her feel like shit and how she doesn't care for her and gives only two of her brothers things and cares less about her and sometimes Josh.) Another thing that she will and actually already claimed as her religion(due to your ways of dealing with children and the fact that you suck at being a mother) is how to hate you.. You are not good to her.. So she started to hate you.. I hated you already.. So I didn't try to change her mind.. And she simply agreed how much her mother is terrible and we both agreed that we hate her mom both the same ammount.. Why not? Ya know.. I don't wanna hate her mom more than she does.. It's better if she hates her the most.. Are alteast equally the most... Bad Parenting Move.. Yep. I recall a time when you told Cat's friend "Cat's doing good in school now, I don't know what to do with her other than punish her." And the words your ungodly mouth spit out on Cat when she started getting good grades "The new rules are: You aren't allowed to go out after school anymore, you must come straight home. You can only use the phone on Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's, but you have after school class on Friday's so you can't hang out too much, and you have to come to church with us on Sunday's" Wow.. That leaves Saturday's.. Damn.. Haven't you ever felt so motivated to do good in school? Hey kids.. Moral of the story: If you flunk, you'll get grounded.. but not as bad as the grounding you'll get once those grades go up...
So let's recap the punishment system.. Fail Freshmen year and most of Second Freshmen year and Nearly fail Sophmore Year.. Ehh.. You can stay out after school, use the phone, go out on weekends but be home by sun down. Wow.. That's some major groundation.
Bad Move Space Cadet!! Hey, you're doing good in school so I'm changing your privilage status from "hangin out after school" to "looks like you're going to be bored sitting at home." "Here is a telephone.. You can call your friends and chit chat and what" to "You can hollar only on weekends.. But only between 7 and 9 P.M. But that is ONLY if I decide to NOT be on MY computer for once in my fat ass life."(You need to stop acting like a little kid about that emphisizing you're computer when you talk to your kids about it.. It's very snobby wanna be rich kid sounding.. And it's like you're purposely trying to piss them off.. Another reason you were nominated for Parent of a lifetime!! Seriously quite childish..) And also (Her speaking to Cat, started somewhere along the lines of)"I Love You Cat" to "Hmmm.. Maybe I don't, I want you to be miserable cause you're better than I will ever be, can't have that now can we?" Well.. Not in words, but the way you act like Cat is such a disgrace, how? She's such a wonderful girl, I can see that, why can't you?
Seriously though.. Cat's mom is simple as said.. Jealous of Cat. Cat's mom when in her teens, was a young dumb cunt, nothing's changed but her age.. She was only able to use the phone for the first time when she was 14. She then later realized that Cat was able to use it at a younger age.. Brought up the fact that when she was younger she couldn't use the phone till age 14 and said Cat can only use it between those two hours I named previously.. But only If the phoneline isn't being occupied by a lazy bitch who sits on her ass all day.
Seriously Though.. How can you ever have a kid and grow to be jealous of them? You are so obviously bitter that Cat didn't try at all to become everything you tried so hard and failed at when you were that age. I would think most parents would feel proud of that, only terrible parents who don't know the rules of the game get jealous of their kids and punish them for being what they failed misserably at.
That is a fucking terrible fate.. Cat so innocently floated on by on her way to a caring mom.. When some bitch went and fucked some random guy and intercepted cat's original destiny and fucked with the hands of time and defied the laws of certain english words and also the went against the laws set by the universe, no man has ever been known to change this, for it is well too powerful for the human mind to understand(If you remember.. Cat's mom is Satan's spawn.. That bitch.) While the original mommy of Cat who had such a great life, loved everything about life, one of the few humans in this world to be near perfect... Was a couple days away from her due date.. To find out she had a miscarriage and was scarred for life due to the evil thrills sent out by Satan.
Oh yeah!!! How can I forget? The dumb bitch fuck face AKA The Evil Cunt "Jackie 'needs to be erased from this world' McConnell" wants to have me arrested because of those condoms that she found while snooping through Cat's room looking for another empty reason to yell at Cat ground her cause she did nothing wrong.. Wait.. She was something that her Mom couldn't reach with all her days/weeks/months of trying but failed at.. Miserably.. and worse than than she did's for the I'm trying to stand out contest she had fucked up at the previous year.. Anyhows.. Seriously Miss Cat's Mom Aka:
Here's how it goes and how it's actually been..Me and Cat haven't been going out for months and months. Yeah.. We talk.. Yeah.. I can still tell her that I love her meaning no weaker than the strongest thing out there in this universe.. And when she tells me she loves me.. I can smile like I did when she told me she loved me back in November of last year. And I know that she means it when she says it, I also know that she doesn't love you and she cares for me more than she's ever thought about caring for you, treating her like shit and all. So you take her out of school and you keep her under lockdown in her own room. Privacy? Nah she doesn't need it right? Along with all the rest of the punishment's already assigned to her(as a privilage for good grades) I choose to once again take your door down.
Anyhows.. About the dumb bitch fuck head not so motherly mother type whatever she is. She threatened to have me arrested for statutory rape.. Seriously Ms. Cuntface.. On what grounds?
Here are the evidence you have collected at the "scene."
A box of unopened condoms-- So condoms might mean she's having it, but I don't see used ones, so maybe she just has it for safety smart reasons. Hmm.. I don't like my daughter so I'm going to claim they have sex.
Okay, condoms.. Rad.. I've seen a couple in my day also.. Got one in my wallet right now.. But does that mean or even come close to proving such events have taken place.
Okay, so the evidence of us two having intercourse will be overlooked. Shit.. If that's overlooked.. There's no point in trying to prove it was illegal in the first place.. Well bitch.. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
Well listen here Ms. Cockface..
Okay.. No proof on the intercourse actually taking place. But if it were true and we did do stuff, you should look up the most recently updated Hawai'i laws on statutory rape. Yeah... Well don't think for a fucking second that if we did have sex.. You would have the pleasure to see me behind bars. Other than having no proof.. The age without parental consent in Hawai'i is 16. How old is Cat? Yeah. Shut up waste you're time if you want, it will go nowhere. You're such a dumb bitch and seriously? I don't think you would be missed by much people at all. Get a life and stop trying to ruin your daughters just cause you're a slut and can't keep a boyfriend/husband.. Seriously.. You're fucking old and wrinkled and you have one of those faces that you can just tell has been an ugly one even as a kid, You hick piece of shit, I'm so glad Cat doesn't look, sound, or act anything like you. You're so fucking immature for a almost soon to be half-dead dick wrinkle discount on coffee with you're only goal left don't die, too bad, space is needed..
Well I'm guessing Cat's beauty and heart comes from her dad's side of the family, she is way too beautiful and nice to be a direct spawn of you.
If you were my mom.. You'd be a lonely old woman.. All your kids in foster homes due to a simple call to authorities saying "neglect."
If not neglect.. I'd probably just stab you for being so ugly..
If you were my mom, I wouldn't be the type that was embarrassed by you doing stupid things.. It's more towards me hiding you in the basement because your hideous face would get the strongest of men to break down and cry.. Nightmares? Oh you don't even understand. *Shivvers*
Your daughter will be mine.
You can go as far as your threat to send her to Oklahoma.. I mean, you already are putting her in some Military schooling. You fucking idiot. But in the end.. Love will prevail. What will you do to stop it? Other than maybe blind me and quite possibly lose all my senses just by my misjudgement of distance and entering your 30ft radius of nasty looking bitch.
P.S. I love your daughter..
She and I are like Grilled Cheese. We are exactly alike.. And we stick to each other.. Especially when things get a bit.. Hot.. Know what I mean? (Sarcasm Referring to You Wanting Me Arrested For Statutory) But you.. You're those old style pans that don't want to change for the better.. And Tasha is Cat's old friend, butter.. Cat is my grilled cheese girl.. Next thing you know.. Butter acts like she's got Cat Grilled Cheese's back. So sparks fly, some pretty intense conversations are being thrown around and we melt more and more as we speak.. That's about the time Ms. "I don't like Daniel's bread.. Him and Cat Grilled Cheese don't taste well together" desides she's gonna be a sneaky slippery bitch and slide right off Cat Grilled Cheese and run back to Ms. "Terrible Parent Should Have Been Aborted But Glad Wasn't Cause Maybe I Wouldn't Have Met The Person I know As Cat/Stubborn Refuses To Accept New Things Into Life Frying Pan" And tells her all about Grilled Cheese and How Grilled Cheese goes better with any other brand but Daniel Bread.. (I guess cause it's wheat and taste too good that only Grilled Cheese Cat can ever understand.) And a snitch was born.. So in the middle of such a lovely conversation, the heats going, we're melting more and more.. Motha fuckin butter fails and the pan catches my Grilled Cheese Cat and is currently holding her back, burning her and making her feel dead every possible chance given. So the snitch butter.. Was known to the rest of the fridge shrine as a back stabbing best friends, butter likes her friends to stand up for her.. But slides away when possible at always the most important times when the favor is asked for in return, she has failed us... And that's where butter became lonely and got fat, all she had was a boyfriend she stole from a previous list of Grilled Cheese's Boyfriends and got disowned by all other sane families who own a ridge.. We recomend for same feeling of friendship, but a not so sly fucker, you kick that butter to the gutter and bring in Margarine, who has yet to fail it's decision to represent The Daniel Cat Grilled Cheese Special.
Moral of that story, if a friend seems kinda shaddy and asks you to cover for her and say that theyre going to be sleeping at your house when theyre actually going to stay over at their boyfriends house.. Don't do it.. Because if you ask them for that exact same favor.. theyre just going to turn around and tell your parents.. then theyre going to keep on and on and on and on.. spilling their guts about every little thing they heard.. what they know.. what they think they know. Some Friend heh? That's why you use that Margarine.. A bit better for you. Doesn't go all for the taste and try to fuck you over and give you a heart attack later.. And if you're mom is Jackie "Dumb Whore" McConnell. Get out of that place fast.
That wasn't even all the reason's I hate that old hag. But this thing is really long. So I'm done