-Oscar Wilde
Wow. has it really been that long since I've posted?
Goodness, I fail.
I'm still sticking to my one pop a day rule. I've lost about two pounds.
Also, for Lent I've given up fast food. I've never done that one before. I usually give up candy or pop.
I feel out of touch lately. I don't see people like I used too, but they don't really see me either. If that makes sense. It does to me, lol.
I've hardly done any crafting. I need to get on that sometime. I hate not having a tv in the craft room. As bad as that sounds, it was nice to have it in there because I could go up to craft and as long as it was on I didnt' feel so alone. Now that it's gone I don't go in there as often, and even my music or my laptop isn't making up for it. Maybe when I get a tv in my room it'll be different. I can just work in there then.
I'm getting into steampunk again. I'm thinking about my costume(s) more lately. And I've a few other ideas floating around my head.
is there such a thing as a dance being too choreographed? because it looks like it in the movie that's on tv. Like it's been done so many times that the dancers aren't even enjoying it. Or maybe there's just too much time where they aren't moving. I dunno.
I've been doing a lot of baking lately. I've been told that I can't anymore for two months so I don't make people fat.
I still have to take my picture tonight for
Two__Percent so I'm out. Night!