Yes, my dears. You read that right. I found this link and I had to share.
The inventors of the SprayKondom hope it will help prevent sexually transmitted deseases and unwanted pregnancies by providing an easy, shake-and-spray contraceptive barrier. "For more on this one, I will introduce you to excerpts from Babelfish's translation of the Product Page and be on my way. If you feel need to flee at any point while reading it, please run in a different direction to the one I took.
The new condom comes from the spray can and adapts to each member optimally. Cap off and condom over the Penis spray: The Latexhaut sits perfectly and is operational in few seconds. ... The advantages of the spray condom are obvious: it is easily and fast applicable, adapts to each Penisgroesse. Damage by transport or sun exposure belongs then exactly the same to the past like the question of the disposal: The natural rubber product decomposes and becomes humus. Thus the spray condom functions. ... Similarly as with the Deodorant we with aerosol liquid Latex sprayed on the Penis ... has the characteristic to vulcanize at room temperature. The india rubber changes thus from the plastic into the flexible condition and becomes in few seconds, rubber. ... Still condom testers are looked for, which already gained experience in handling condoms."
And if you're feeling really adventurous, I suggest google searching "spray on condom." You find some pretty interesting results. We even found a video!