May 08, 2012 19:22
When not getting lessons on fishing and island survival from Kite, Yagyuu has been following others to the ship and packing back things to make our stay here more comfortable. He hasn't said anything to people because he knows everyone hopes for a speedy rescue (Atobe, world class tennis players, other famous types). However, this is the Bermuda Triangle. And there were those ghosts.
When the strange "5 Days" warning comes up, he redoubles his efforts to scavenge things from the ship, not knowing if that means something good...or something bad. But he is an optimist who plans for the worst.
Shinji, Jirou (and hopefully Kabaji) have been assisting him. If anyone else wants to help or wishes to request something, please let me know.
So far, things scavenged include:
3 can openers
A plethora of canned goods
Dry goods (brought over via the jetty)
Deck chairs (at least three, maybe more if people ask for them)
Pillows and blankets for deck chairs
Candles, matches, tablecloths, candlesticks from restaurants
Tea Kettles, pots and pans (enough to share)
Rugs from restaurants and hallways (Persian, very nice ;-)
Hammers and nails and saws from the ship's workroom
Extra shoes from the sporting good store...Atobe had everyone's favorites in their sizes. (He couldn't resist and also cleaned out the rackets and balls...the rackets might be good for drying stuff on! ...he hasn't found an excuse for the balls yet. But he snagged the nets from the tennis courts too.) (He also snagged a couple of sets of golf clubs, look, they could come in handy!)
Knives from the kitchens, cutting boards.
Plates, tubs, dishwashing soap, bleach, silverware, napkins...
Folding tables from storage
Folding chairs
Lanterns, both candle and battery powered, with as many batteries as he can scavenge.
Extra clothes from the shops.
All the tea he can get his hands on.
Sugar and sugar packets. In tupperware.
Edit: Powdered drinks, etc.
Whatever coffee Fuji didn't beat them all to
Shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, razors, etc. (Toiletries)
Edit the Second: Bottled drinks. Water, juice, etc.
Mostly Yagyuu is grabbing stuff to make himself and his friends (Akaya and Niou) more comfortable while we're here, but he is willing to help others find stuff. Same with Shinji (for himself, Lilia, Kamio and An-chan) and Jirou (himself, Kaba-chan, Kei-chan...and Bun-chan and Syuu-chan!). If anyone is going for the generators, Yagyuu will offer to help.
Edit the Second: Most of the food stuffs and the extras of anything not claimed by one of the scavenger group are going to a central storehouse in the caves. Nice, dry, cool...excellent place to keep stuff, right? *hopes*
(ooc: This list is based off what I take when camping. LOL! Also, I apologize if I have slowed down on tagging, a friend got sick and I've been trying to help her out these last couple of days.)