This is boring. I suppose I could grade the essay, write the book report (or read the book for it, for that matter), or take one of those online SAT II practice tests. But then I'd have to shut off RW (and shall thus never occur). That leaves AIM, solitaire, and seeing if any of my old computer games still works as possible sources of
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What I really meant was, "Here is neither bush nor shrub to bear off any weather at all, and another storm brewing; I hear it sing i'th' wind. Yond same black cloud, yond huge one, looks like a foul bombard that should shed his liquor. If it should thunder as it did before, I know not where to hide my head. Yond same cloud cannot choose but to pour by pailfuls. What have we here, man or fish? Dead or alive? A fish, it smells like a fish, a very ancient and fish-like smell; a kind of-- not the newest--poor John. A strange fish! Were I in England now (as once I was) and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there would but give a piece of silver. There this monster would make a man as any strange beast there makes a man. When they would not give a droit to relieve a poor begger they would give ten to see a dead indian. Legged like a man and his fins like arms. Warm, O'my troth! I do now let loose my opinion and hold it no longer: this is not a fish but an islander that has lately suffered by a thunderbolt."
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