i got 99 problems but the bitch aint one.

May 22, 2005 13:29

...I SHOULD TELL YOU. i should tell you.
...yay for random rent outbursts.

prom was last night. it was a lot of fun.
and let me teeellll you. working at a prom is jsut as fun, is not more fun then actually...going with a date and stuff.

so. a couple nights ago, was the cast party. everyone kept their clothes on.
played cards. made fun of will a lot. it was fun.
and no, i wasnt doin it on the couch.

got like an hour of sleep.
went home, got like 4 more hours of sleep.
forgot to wake up, and missed wangonk rehearsal.
valerie is gonna flip a freakin bitch.
whatever. i was tired.

then laura came over...at like....4.
and heather and danielle were gonna pick us up at 5.
...it was funny. i got chinese food instead of spending 2 hours trying to look nice.
instead, i got ready in 25 minutes for prom.
and looked damn good anyway.
danielle's dad was so cute. dad's are so nice. well, the nice ones are.
but i guess if you're a nice dad then, of course you'll be nice...
dont you love when i babble?

carried all the fish inside...
blah blah blah.
saw everyone's dresses and such.
ashley and ali were so cute.
i love them so much.
i want them to adopt me....


monika pent-[mumble mumble] polish girl in the orange dress...looked absolutley amazing.
like. oh muh gawsh.
she was the best dressed one there.
and antiwone carr looked really good.
[sniff] we go way back.
he used to walk me home from macdonough...
and molly daniels looked sooooooo beautiful too.
a lot of people did.
it was fun
dj kinda sucked.
food kinda sucked.

but i did drink like 12 pina coladas/strawberry dacaris....
and we held our pasta hostage.

[insert phantom of the opera theme here]
[now insert noodles being flicked and placed in between my fingers]

we had to sit with seany and like stephanie nye and robby.
they were all so cute.
oh! and robin took molly carta....
i love how people at our school [although can be assholes] are genuinely wonderful people.

yay for me. and my school love.
ew. mr. alphonso was really creepy though.
he like kissed heather on the head and stuff....

and kept commenting on how he couldnt wait till i grew up, so he could see me...
[cough] on broadway [cough]

hahaha...[hears lean back]
"lean back!" [dooj]

ok, i meant doo-ge.
oh. nevermind.
everything's gonna sound like douche anyway.

holy crap. i have school tomorrow.
holy crap. my parents are coming home today.

....lauras been sitting in the living room by herself for a while...
maybe i should go visit her.

later alligator.
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