Oh my beautiful liar, oh my precious whore

Feb 15, 2008 13:40

I could offer you all chocolates of love, but you all know me well enough to know I usually come bearing cheese.

V day was just fine for me. I was actually too busy to "ponder" (i.e. fixate) on how I just don't care for this "holiday". I have been both attached and single at this time of year, and at the risk of being the stereotypical "stfu lasciviae" that you are all used to, I just prefer to be that person the celebrates the bittersweet and unique euphoria and agony that is love on a 365 basis. It's the rest of the year and how one copes with it that truly counts.*

With that being said though, please do know that I loved the stank that two of you had placed on the day. Cupid has ripped his wings off in defeat :)

Ironically, i was borderline showered with greetings from so many sources. Some were works of art IMHO, and some where just down right inappropriate,lol, (like we all say we want a gift wrapped penis, but when you're actually presented with one, you will quickly learn that Hallmark does not make a "thank you kindly for the gift wrapped penis" card. Apparently they have missed the boat on that market in particular) but I have no qualms of stating that i deserved every last one. Oh yeah, I am teh original McLovin ;)

But it doesn't mean I love y'all any less either, so with that said, Happy February 15th ♥.

Poo, time for work :(

stfu lasciviae!, holidays

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