Whoa, seems I missed the wank of the century last week. It proves my theory though, step away from the internet due to holidays, and everything just falls apart ;)
I think many would have responded better if this were a cut and dry case of black and white regarding one issue in particular, but of course nothing can be easy on the webernets and this situation included too many issues of sensitivity which led to various interpretations of areas of gray.
1.The prev factor:
On one hand you have a legitimate concern over online predators. Being that I have quite a few parents here on my Flist, I have read the measures you have taken to protect your children from the cyber perves. That makes me proud of y'all for not only protecting your children, but for also taking the responsibility of your children in your hands instead of pulling a Ms. Rev Lovejoy (you know "won't somebody please think about the children!!!!")while throwing the responsibility into someone else's hands, i.e. this site itself. Trust me, not all parents do this.
But we know despite everyone's best intentions, there are indeed pervs out there, bad ones, not just pervs at heart like us ;), so again, it is a legitimate concern...but.....
I find it odd (meh, fishy really)that you( LJ/6apt) were previously offered help by more reputable and legitimate (i.e. not bat shit crazy) organizations such as perverted justice, and you declined the offer choosing to police your own house. Well, we all know how in control LJ abuse is <--(yes, it reeks of sarcasm,lolz), but I digress about abuse at this moment. So why heed the threats of a one woman crusade who is a proven right winged, homophobic, racist, confederate militia supporter, one with God on her side (seriously, can you really take the "redneck mafia" seriously,LOLZ)? My answer is coming in one more second...I promise :)
LJ pretty much prematurely blew their wad with a knee jerk reaction instead of using their own instituted TOS/Abuse policies to handle the situation which is why this pretty much blew up such a way that makes LJ Drama salivate with glee.
2.)That pesky first amendment thing again :(
Well, y'all know by know I'm one of those people who support free speech, plain and simple. It's hypocrisy to allow one group free reign while shutting down the other because you don't agree with what they have to say.
It's like the Aryan Nation. I think they're all a bunch of hateful ignorant cocksuckers, but I'll defend their right to spew stupidity. Ditto w/ WFI. I don't agree with her tactics (such as keyword searches only without review the content in entirety), but she does have every right to bitch and moan like every other American, regardless of how retarded it is.
I have to admit that it made me laugh to read back on previous flist entries this morning, because of course one of y'all in particular called what would happen with this scenario right on the nose, it was the great "OMG,LJ censored us oh noes, how can we share our shitty written twincest filled with teh angst, you nazi's you!!!!111!111" Yeaaaaahhhhhh......Cause we all know that removing crapfics=the genocide of millions of people. (y'all better duck, she's flinging sarcasm again).
"But wait
lasciviae, you're contradicting yourself, you say your support free speech, but laugh when ours is taken away..."
Naw, I assure you I am not, because at the end of the day it was never an issue of first amendment rights. Like I said at the top, it would have been so much easier and Kosher to be honest if it were as cut and dry as free speech.
3.)"Cash rules everything around me, cream get the money dollar dollar bill yall!"
You know shits all fucked up when Wu Tang Clan nails it on the proverbial head, LOLZ!
In the end it made me laugh how many people seemed to forget that this basically ain't yo mamm's LJ anymore. What I mean, is it's been sold to a corporate entity, they don't give two shits about your free speech, nor do they really give two shits about your kids. In the end it came down to their bottom line financially. Why? Um, have y'all not seen the sudden influx of advertisements within the site? There is a reason for it; profit :)
So basically WFI bitched slapped the LJ/6apt's fear of their Achilles heal, their pocketbooks with their advertisers.
What I found interesting though, was how fandom was very up in arms when it was their journal, or one that they participated in actively, but as soon as suspensions were lifted, all was good in the webernets again. Meh, As long as it's not affecting them directly anymore right?
Meanwhile, there's still a war going on..............just saying (yeah, i know, after I pontificated my ass off here, but it's my journal, so nerdy nerdy nerrr)
Then again, this all comes from someone who's profile "interests" include san fransisco cocksucka, so maybe I should just shut up all together:)
But y'all thought the above was drama, hell y'all don't know drama, nor the subtle layers of hell like I do.
Hell is an instance in which your grandmother (80 yrs) exclaims in drunken delightat our Memorial Day BBQ how she bought her first thong last week, and loves it for the following reason..... (this is where I ran screaming from the yard, so luckily I do not know particulars, but
reverand_jim is still in a corner silently weeping :( I also had to have a frank discussion with her regarding geriatric safe sex. Srsly...that alone covers my good deed quotas for the next decade.
Meanwhile, OMG, they finally set Kevorkian free! For so many reasons does this make me happy, as I just honestly always felt that his imprisonment was wrong, and politically based.
The fact that Kevorkian is free, and Paris Hilton is in jail makes me feel so balanced and in harmony with laws of Justice.
I hate moving by the way.
junediamanti I suspect cursed me with her double edged sword of congrats, because know I am faced with the fact that apparently over the past 28 years of my life I have accumulated so much crap!
pussicle How on earth did you pull this off, with kiddies in tow, and just not want to torch your old home and start anew, cause I'm a mighty tempted. Actually, am contemplating a big assed yard sale, and plan on advertising it as such "big assed yard sale...let my baggage be your bargain" :)
9 days and counting to closing, and everything is just going...not wrong, but really bumpy. Now there's lawyers and flood inspectors and tigers oh my involved. Buying nuclear arms is apparently easier than buying a house, go figure.
grrarrg0908 I refuse to read your post at the moment on the grounds that I need to watch the finale to gather my thoughts. I am not ready for you yet woman!!!! ( I know, I know, but I am not in a rush due to it's hiatus until Feb, bastards!!!!!!!!!)
Um.....I think that's it other than..
S'up webernets :)
*EDIT*!!!!!!HOMGZ!11!!!!!!! Stefano AND Tony Dimera are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is freaking great @ the moment!