Ack! I always feel an awkwardness when making an update while knowing I have been absent for a while. I keep meaning to "get to it", yet I just don't. It would be easier I suppose to say perhaps I just couldn't be arsed, but that really isn't the case.
Then again, I suppose I could also just cease with the precursor's and just dive in to a quick synopsis of what has been up with lil old me :) I think I'll do multiple cuts so those of y'all who actually read this can pick and choose. Works for me :)
Halloween turned out pretty neat. My street definitely saw way over 100 kids, which was just awesome, as for a few years it was beginning to look like the idea of trick or treating was just going to die. For a while I think parents were just too on edge regarding safety, but it seems now that parents themselves had said enough, we're taking it back for our kids. Our house went through almost 20 full bags of candy + a 50 pack of potato chips...House was decorated and I was in costume, I mean I don't dress like a pirate every day for shits and giggles....okies, I so would, but y'all get my point.
But what was even better was I had the opportunity to actually chat with some of our most newest neighbors and got to find out that some of them are really cool, good additions to our unit block.
Here be picture...yarrrrrrrrrrrgghh!
Okies, Taking pics of lights in the dark is tougher than I thought. What you're not/seeing:
Second floor contained 2 strobe lights, and foot and half long skeletons under the purple lights under both windows and mechanical spiders and bats that fall on a string and wind their way back up when the kids yell trick or treat, lights around door frame also had black and silver ghost sparkley garland,LOL, and for some reason I didn't get a pic of third floor which was plastered with orange lights too
I really wish these came a smidgen better, as the banister was really neat. I took one of my Christmas green garlands and spray painted it black to look like a spider or something. The white lights are actually ghost lights, and the entire thing was covered in spider webbing
Again, what you can't see: top of banister had a two foot tall rubber rat that my immediate neighbors hate because "it's freaking gross Scarlet" :) The front door had nifty spider webs (not the white webbing), furry giant spider where attached to the window panes on the door, as well as old school Halloween cut outs. I wanted to make sure smaller kids wouldn't be too freaked out. You can kind of see the pumpkin, and some random with hat that one of the neighbor's kids through up there.
Avec le flash, because the grave stones wont show up with out it :) They all had epitaphs such as RIP and Rob De Grave, etc,lol. I know they are cheesy, but I am still very proud of my craftiness. Apparently, on the adults noticed the arm hanging out, and it is very real looking so quite a few adults jumped pretty high :) I love my green skulls in the window, which I coated with a black trash bag that I cut in worked great as it blocked out all of the light from the living room and cost what...a penny? We totally need to paint the front of our home, but for once, our lack of initiative was totally working for us.
D caught in the moment of telling me to kiss his ass...but on the upside, y'all can see of the stuff I was describing about the front door,LOL. He really hate that picture, but he gave me his blessing to post it, as it illustrates a kiss his ass,LOLZ.
My neighbor, who had smoked so much weed, was walking up and down the block collecting candy cause he had the munchies. But he's a nice guy and asked me to take his photo, knowing full well it would end up on the internet, so I am fulfilling his wish,pmsl.
And lastly, meeeeeeee :) Here I am in my pirate costume :)(D didn't think I would post a pic of myself, because I am "chickenshit"<-his words, not mine, so there you are) I went a little more Capt Jack with the hair and the head scarf and eye makeup, but of course it doesn't show up in the pic. I totally need a hair cut o_0. The little girl in the pic was The Absolute coolest kid, she wasn't scared of anything from anyone's house and was clapping her hands in delight at the moving grim reapers and scary stuff the neighbor had.
And that peeps was Halloween 2006...of course I had meant to post these the week of Halloween. Opps.
I really hope all of y'alls Thanksgivings (those of you who celebrate of course) was lovely. Our household had a family reunion which was so long over due, but I myself was Thankful that it occurred. D & I had been excommunicated from my grandmother for over 5 years. It was a big step forward for him to invite her, which I am so incredibly proud of him ( I know that may come across condescending, but it's not, because he basically put aside his feeling of all of the horrible things she has done to him for the sake of family.), I will never ever stop being grateful for him, and love him so. The dynamics that surround my family are really bad, and he knows that I'm having a very hard time with all of it, and as the greatest parent ever, it hurts him to know his child is hurting. One sister still hasn't return phone calls, not even for the Holidays (which was odd, because we became back in touch again, she even made an LJ to keep in better touch), and the other sister (the one who can pawn all of our arses,lolz)where abouts are still unknown. She moved over a year ago, and I seem to be the only person who isn't allowed to have an address or phone number. Nothing happened to cause this, it's just the way it is, though it's still hard not to take it personally at times,LOL. (though I need to bitch that this would kill my mother were she here) Two of my nephews have just had birthdays and I can't even let them know that aunt Scarlet didn't forget. So this is why it's a huge deal about my grandma. I'm very family oriented and minded, just without the family. This is not, I promise, a boo hoo statement, I am patient and will always continue to work to keep what remains of us together, it's too important not to.
Myself, well, am still struggling with typical daily life issues, such as walking,LOL. A few days after Halloween, as I stood at the top step of the third floor, I was more surprised than anyone to find my feet at eye level, and even more so to find myself at the bottom of said steps. Like an ass, reflex caused me to throw my right arm out when the fall began, and because of such I ended up with subluxation, i.e. partially dislocated shoulder. My right side of course would be my dominating side, and required D getting it back into the socket. I'm not ashamed to admit I threw up from the pain of the process. Before anyone yells at me for not having the hospital do this, please keep in mind that D is medically trained, served for many years as a paramedic In West Virginia, then again for the Fire department in West Virginia where we used to live. I trust him more than half the doctors in Philadelphia. Went to my doctor for a follow up (I refused the whole ER, finances yo) where she scowled about it too, but basically said what he did was exactly what the ER would have did. The lack of numbness and pins and needles put her mind to rest (+ a few xrays), though she stuck me in a sling for almost 4 weeks while I healed and wrote me a script. During this time, I did experience a frustrating amount of pain and weakness with orders to flat out not use it.
This whole ordeal has put my job in a very precarious state, where I am not even sure I still have a real job anymore. My boss, aka crazy man was sympathetic to my face (his wife even brought me cookies cause she felt so bad about what happened), and offered me some hosting shifts to make a little money, but now that the sling is off, my arm is feeling strong, I still have yet to be placed back on the serving schedule, and have been removed from all hosting duties. Meanwhile, he has hired three new girls, and I'm sitting here two weeks before Christmas like this is kinda sucks yo. I have been very point bank in asking what is going on, and he swears nothing, I still have a job, yada yada. I explain, well I need to earn an what does he do? Offers me a loan!!!!WTF?!?1 I declined of course explaining that I prefer to earn money. Meh, we'll see, as I have decided to just roll with it, and not freak out as I would in the past. D wishes me to pull an official Johnny Paycheck, where I just need closure and finality, for him to say flat out it's over. Until I can get that, I still consider myself employed.
So that's been the
lasciviae happenings for the past month and a half. Other than that, everyone is well (though Bear had an emergency vet visit on Friday as his back paw was split open), and we're starting to feel the holiday season that's upon us. The house looks like Santa exploded, and I have been plucking my orange kittens out of the tree for the past 4 days, though on the up side, the dogs feel that knocking it over just is not a challenge anymore.
Speaking of Holidays :)
coell You are too cute, and I totally adore it, and I wish to take a moment and say thank you :)
grrarrg0908 Honey, I apologize for disapearing right at the season finale. Have you seen it yet? If not, please let me know, as ironically I had uploaded it for you the day after it aired, and as you might have seen above, circumstances kept me away from the webernets in my usual capacity. If you already have seen it, that's cool too, as I am hoping you were not sitting in limbo
As for everyone else, I really hope everyone is doing great. I unfortunately have to admit that I have not been paying attention to my flist page during this time, and hope that no one has taken lack of replies from myself as insult. I hope to get caught up and reacquainted real soon :)
Lots of love, Lasciviae :)