If you are a Marilyn Manson (the band, more than the man) fan...do not click. (am really trying to keep a straight face here). First...okies, so our boys had bad fashion sense..It was so close to the 80's, it's almost excusable. BUT....BUT.....*breath...., you need to breath woman* Fucking Skold...just wait till you get to the bottom of the page...you will never.ever.look the same again. eber....everevereverever again.
Bwhahahahahahahahahaha *gasps for breath* bwhahahahahahaha
http://www.metalsludge.tv/home/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=801&Itemid=39 *we now return to watching LJ fuck up all of my user pics.*
(current icon is the newest one they have gifted me with, pmsl)