You Are 90% Psychic
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good!
Are You Psychic? But I knew I would score that high, being that I am 90% psychic,as it had nothing at all to do with the predictability of the questions *G*.
In other news, thank god for Taco bell, anywhere where you can get a burrito for under 3 dollars is so a ok in my world.
I have a washer and dryer now sitting in my dinning room. *we are so white trash, face-palm* (where's my cake?) But long gone are the days of me chasing crack heads from the public laundromat for stealing my socks, long gone the days of others taking my clothes from the dryers, while still wet, so they don't have to pay for time, and best yet, if my clothes are ruined by crayons being left in the washer, I will know that they are at least my crayons. It's good to be me. Though we still have to get them in the basement. *has flash of me serving dinner on washer in lieu of dinning room table* Down side, it's mighty crowded, have been resorted to stacking rottweilers, they are not amused, but you knew I would say that, didn't you?