The Game...

Oct 09, 2004 16:42

WAS SWEET. Julie and I decided to pre-party here with wine for about 5 minutes, then booked it past mud bowl to State and Packard. I visited Ariel and Jarrett's pre-party with the 30 foot beer bong. No, I'm not really a beer bong girl. However, it was awesome because I ran into Jon and so many alumni (Kat, Chris from OS, and 25 cent aka Eric "Schrops") I also saw a bunch of APOers that were good to see again. I ran across the street to visit Tom for a bit and he, of course, had a crazy outfit. I blew the whistle. It was awesome. Either way, prepartying rocks. Once at the stadium I snuck my brother and Jon into our row. We had a blast. I brought the bead necklaces and went crazy. Big House football is amazing. Leann Rimes was RIGHT in front of us on the field, so I of course took a picture of her. I also met some male cheerleaders from 51 & 52, how sweet is that? The Big Screen guy wasn't being cool this game, so I got Juan to hook us up. You rock Juan! 27-24, Michigan rocked it (of course at the very last minute).

Last night I went to my sister's house for some debate and drink fun. You pretty much drink whenever, because the list of words to drink on was so long. I then headed to Ben's party and met up with Srishti, Meredith, and her sister Sarah. Jeff and his roomie joined us later as well. It was an awesome night. I met two boys from Iowa and apparently was in a lot of their pictures. (Thanks Raf.) After being the ultimate flip cup champions after 5+ rounds, we retired with our championship and danced a bit. I also ran into a bunch of random people I know from places and that was fun. I decided to go home around 1:40 so that I could wake up to preparty the next day.

btw- *insert name here* - Can you please just not talk about me at all? At this point starting fights and getting angry is not worth it. I would just really appreciate it if my name never comes up. I'm moving on with my life, and I think you owe it to yourself to do the same. You also owe it to your (sophomore) girlfriend. We already both know I'd win in any match (jello/fight/wrestling), so why talk shit in the first place? Let's both reduce the stress and forget these bad times, because things could have ended differently. Since you decided otherwise, this is the way things have to be. I'm not going to post nasty things about you or anything. I went through that phase and regret it - let's handle this maturely. But I just thought something needs to be mentioned, because fairness comes into play here. I'm really trying to bury the hatchet and would appreciate it if you could do the same. And on a final note - you're not going to be fair if you dump her when you graduate (as i heard through the grapevine) - date her because you truly want to, not for other reasons. Please treat her the way she deserves to be treated. If you truly are, then thanks and good luck.

(as you can see I'm going in reverse chron. order here)

Friday for dinner I had an wonderful home cooked meal by Lisa in Ypsi. So yummy.

Friday during the day was amazing. I went to the OS leadership committee lunch (catered by Zingermans of course) and then had leadership links. For the lunch I sat by Tim (a VP at Limited Brands) and Dave (President of Jet Blue Airlines). By the end of lunch Tim had given me his business card and wants me to send him my resume. Also, Dave and I had a staring contest. It was awesome. I had a staring contest with a 40+ year old executive at Jet Blue. I'm sorry but that's one for the books, considering he pretty much instigated it. For my link session I talked with Barry Blattman. You should look up some stuff on him, because he's pretty much the next Donald Trump. He had some really encouraging things to say and I'll never forget him telling us that we're on the path to success. If the CEO of a major company can say that to me, I think I just need to believe in myself. I'll get there..... I'm lovin' life right now.

Thursday I got my accounting exam back. I rocked it with an A. 95/100. I'm kinda pissed that I got one question wrong, but whatcha gonna do?

Yeah, so that's my life for the moment. We'll see where I get from here. I'm going to get some work done then rock out tonight with good friends.

Awesome quote of the moment:

"Regret for the things you did, can be tempered by time;
regret for the things you did not do, is inconsolable."

I'm not regretting anything this year.
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