The "VERTIGO" Story Begins to Unravel

Dec 13, 2010 09:59

Not much has been revealed yet about the direction of my upcoming solo art show, "VERTIGO" at COREY HELFORD GALLERY in LA on JAN 8th, 2011, but that will slowly change over the next couple of weeks.
What I can say as of now, is that my entire show is inspired by the famous big game hunter from Kenya named Verti Parker. And over the next couple of weeks, I got authorization and access to, for the first time, publish some excerpts from a previously unpublished biography written about Verti, by historian Horace Chalem. So make sure you bookmark this new website and follow the story of Verti Parker as it unravels, giving a glimpse into the new world that will be unveiled at my show on Jan 8th. Enjoy:)

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