Sep 27, 2004 19:10
I don't know, sometimes when I read some of y'all's journal's I wonder if its just me that has learned to just love life, and dreams and stuff. I think I'm the oldest person in here, but thats not it. Maybe its the way I was brought up and the life I had on the way up to now. But when I read about how BAD someones got it today cause of this,that and the other thing, I'm thinkin, man! Wait till you grow up! LOL! ! Now I know I ain't here to tell nun of you how to live, but I have been around the block a couple of times and I can tell ya, keep doing what your doing and you will not reach my age and have a happy life.
In the meantime, use the good and the bad times to bring the real you out and use it! I would not trade my age for no one! I hope all this rambling makes some kind of sense, if it does great and if it don't, o'well. STF will be workin on a NEW CD at the end of the week! This is gonna be GREAT! The boys have been waitin and the time has come!