Context 24 will be taking place in Columbus, Ohio at the Doubletree Hotel (the same venue as last year) the weekend of August 26-28, 2011.
Guests who've signed on include L.E. Modesitt, Jr., Mira Grant (aka Seanan McGuire), David Hartwell, Erica Neely, Tom Smith, Mike Resnick, Nigel Sade, and Susan Fisher. I'll be participating as a panelist.
They still have dealers' tables: They have posted a proposed list of panel topics and a panelist registration form on the front page of their site; the deadline for panelist signup is July 15th: And finally, they've posted ten writing workshops; a few more are likely to be posted in coming months: Topics include:
Building Narrative Tension
How To Polish Your Novel Manuscript
Characterization and Dialog
Release Your Inner Teen: Writing Fiction for the Young Adult Market
Level One Writers Workshop
Pitches and Blurbs and Tag Lines, Oh My!
The Devil is in the Details
Engaging the Wary: Winning and Keeping the Impatient Reader
The Art, Craft and Business of Writing Genre Fiction
Character Torture 101
Pissing Off Editors, or How Not to Get Published