There are 4 spots left in
Gary A. Braunbeck's "Creating Character Through Dialogue" writing workshop, which he'll be teaching on October 8th at
Context in Columbus, OH.
The class costs $10, plus convention registration (Sunday-only registration is $10, and gives you access to the con on Saturday night after 7 pm for movies and panels and whatever room parties people throw).
What's Gary's workshop going to be like? It will be a 3-hour class on creating well-rounded, believable characters through the use of dialogue. You'll learn not only how to create good dialogue, but how to recognize the different types of dialogue and which one best suits your own writing style. This is an intensive, hands-on workshop, so come prepared to participate. Bring your laptop (if you have one) or pen and paper.
Registration for the whole weekend will be $35, which will give you the opportunity to enjoy more movies, attend panels and filking and other con sundries, and chat with any of the nearly two dozen authors who'll be attending. In addition to Ellen Datlow (who edits The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror among many other projects), editors from Wheatland Press, The Town Drunk, Strange Horizons, Horror World, and CPG/Liason Press have said they'll be attending Context, so the networking opportunities should be decent for anyone who wants to get published.
You can register online if you'd like.