Nov 14, 2005 20:00
Geez, I never have anything interesting to write about. Well, that is, until today. A lot has happened over this extended weekend,thanks u all veterans for fighting for our freedom, and giving us a day off :). Well, where do I begin...I guess I can start on Friday. DO you agree? Yesh (hmm.. yesh...that's a 1st..) u do. Ok, well, here it goes.
Started with me waking up and preparing to go to school, but then raelizing that it was Veterans Day, so, eh, u can only imagine how dumb and pissed I was with myself. Doesn't that ever happen to you? Ok, I wake up later on (at the right time, thankfully) to go to physical therapy. In case u don't know or remember, I messed up my right ankle after a slide tackle during soccer practice 3 weeks ago. Anyway, I went to the doctor a week ago and it turns out I have a severe ankle sprain, which I assume is bad since i need therapy. Anyway, 1st session wasn't too bad. I had this heat pad on my leg, which felt so good. Then some stretches, leg exercises and such. Most of the peopel there were senors, well i guess that makes sense since they are already falling apart, and I was the only teen there. I started talking to this one lady who's son played soccer and was an All-county player for Woodlands High. Pretty interesting conversation. Off to soocer practice after that. Wasn't too bad. Then visited my great aunt for her birthday, man was it a bore. Later went to my grandma's house for her birthday. I went all dressed up visiting her, as apposed to my aunt where i went with my socer stuff i wore for practice. Then calls the one and only Diana to hang out at city center. Thus, she showed me pretty interesting and funny things on her labtop, too bad we couldn't fix her ipod problem, bummer :(
Thus leads us to Saturday, where I went to the doctors to check on my ear, as I claim that I am going deaf. Took my doctor a while to take care of me cause he had a patient that was bleeding, from the thoat. Eww, don't even wanna picture that. The woman was taken to WP hospital, and I don't know anythign about that, hopefully all is well. Later I went to Arthur's house to play some video games. Toward the night, we went to the Yonkers theater to sneak in to the new 50 cent movie. Ok, let me tell u right now, Arthur has no idea how to sneak in to a movei, not even knowing the 1st rule of it. He asks the ticket person if he could get a ticket to the movie he's sneaking into, the dude denies him, thus Arthur buys a ticket to chicken little. Arthur blew like 80% of or chance of sneaking in now, as the ticket person warned him and brought in more security. I jsut wanted to strangle him, yet i kept hope that we could still sneak in. We waited for everyone to be distracted, and Arthur went inm, unnoticed. I followed him shortly after, but only to be stopped by a security guard RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOOR TO THE MOVIE AS I WALK IN. I got caught and the manager started yelling at me after i got tossed out. Arthur get out of the movie to find me. Turns out Arthur went through the dude that caught me, cause the dude was distracted by another person and, deu to his size, snuck in. Well, it was a waste of $10 for the boht of us, but ultimately we ended up buying a small air hockey table at Kay Bee Toys for $10. I was jsut surprised that there was so much security for such a small theater that no one hardly goes to. Oh well, next time we sneak in at city center, which is easier.
Come Sunday. Football games are on. Soccer practice is on. And what else? A dinner for my grandma's b-day and to welcome my aunt and cousins just arriving from Peru? I guess that what i did. Was pretty funny with the conversations going on. My dad kept telling my 5 year old cousin that he drew bad pictures and such. it was so funny cause my aunts got upset that my dad said such things, and that he should say encouraging remarks to keep my cousin's self-esteem high. My dad's defense was that my cousin should learn from mistakes and negative feedback to learn better and challenge himself more. I dunno, i found it odd and funny. I guess it was the kinda thing where u had to be there to understand it.
As for today, I missed math and english, whew, a bit of relief. I found out that im getting a B- in gloabl AP, a B+ in Math B honors, and a A+ in Chemistry. So far, im on a roll on reaching high honor roll this quarter. I hope so. Today was the 1st day of wrestling practice. It was intense, and I hit one of my teammates in my lip. After practice, my lip swelled up into a big ball. Very unpleasant sight i should tell you. Therapy afterwards, which was ok.
Well, is that long enough for ya. U satisfied? Good. Cause it may be the last entry for who knows when. Another day, a week, a month or 2? I dunno. Lately, I haven't been recieving as many commment as before way back when. Why is this so? Do I bore u or my entry isn't good enough? I appreciate the comment, even if it as a few words or sentences.
Aight this is my story. Good Night Canada!