Today,.. is horrible >__<
I have to run down 24th floor from my office to ground floor, in order to save our seles due to Earthquake that happen this afternoon on 14.55 for about 15-20 minute *perhaps*
I'm panicked, Yes.. and our bosses kindly said "stay at your desk! Don't try come out now! and stay out of window!" .. I WANNA GET OUT damn it>,
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But who cares, right? Because Bradley and Colin (which means Arthur and Merlin too!) are so much ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ . I'm loving them a bit more than Akame at the moment. But only because there's no angst, which I need a break from.
I don't want to be sick anymore. *pouts* I want to be able to properly fangirl qith you and Heppy. *stamps feet*
That's scary about he earthquake. I used to live in California so I know what it's like to just be sitting there and suddenly your world start shaking and not in a good way.
should I make the BradleyxColin investigation too XDD *but... I quite enjoy being in that fandom <333*
yeah, missed u for fangirling together again ;___; *btw, Heppy and I want to send Bradley our wishes for upcoming b'day <33* to inform him, taht he and Colin have lot fans from other world ^^;
seriously I had bad feeling when experience this earthquake due to this is the longest one I feel when I'm in 24th floor T__T *so scared*
Dina is the one that near the earthquake source,.. she must feel it hard
I say leave the investigating alone for now. Let's just have fun. XD
*thinks* You know, I've never sent fanmail of any kind to anyone I've liked. Even when I was younger. But you two should definitely do that, since I bet he'll find it neat that people in Singapore actually know and watch Merlin. :) And maybe I'll do it too if I can think of something to say other than "I want to have your baby, so you and Colin can be parents." XD JUST KIDDING! I'd never say something like that.
I'm just glad you're safe. Hopefully we'll hear from Dina soon.
they'd be awesome parents XDDDDDDDD
*O my god, the fans really turning me and Colin into a pair of master and servant love love relationship* XDD lol
and yes because there's totally no angst
and the fandom also warm and welcoming XD
*hugs* take care and get well soon so we can fangirl properly XDDDDD
the earthquake was so sudden O.o
but it's okay .. just i hope it wont happened again in the near future ;_;
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