..ehem.. so yeah..officially new fandom ..lol

Aug 25, 2009 00:35

so,.. as Heppi dragged me, also Zoey too.. I'm now officially fall down to..

MerlinxArthur fandom

I'm late, I know..

why?? because...

# Bradley (Arthur cast ) is so.. HOT! >,< and Colin (Merlin cast ) is so Cute >,<
# Bradley (Arthur) born in year 1984! and Colin (Merlin) is born in 1986!!
# Bradley said when he first meet Colin, he thinks he can't understand Colin way of speaking, etc.. but after together for some time, he said he feels some kind of BOND with Colin ...

...see something similiar  with Jin and Kame XD;; *smacked self*

okay, Merlin related reason....

1. Because this is the slashy TV series so far I've seen ^^; check HERE and HERE  thx for the info <3
2. Because the Great Dragon always keep telling them how Arthur is Merlin other half, and they NEED to be together so they can feel WHOLE.. er,, soulmate definition here? >P
3. Because every time in the episode leading to.. how Merlin and Arthur way of see each other, and how they try to communicate, and how Merlin dressing Arthur every time XD is NOT like a servant to his prince charming BUT like a wife serving his husband ..lol
4. Because episode 4, 10, and 11 is the biggest proof how Arthur so damn care to Merlin and how they can't be separated one each other cos they were like 2 side of coin, meant together, as Merlin's mom said <3 *see they even already got Merlin's mom blessing XD~*
5. Because there are lot of god fic in there too ^^;

that's all.. sleep now... =_=

arthurxmerlin, bradleyxcolin, rambling

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