It's all about Zack!

Oct 26, 2008 23:05

I"m interest to know this doujin *___*
Okay~ double posting, but you can ignore my first posting if you are not AKAME and KAT-TUN fans XD~

Uwaaaahhhhh, sankyu for candytin   , I'm able to read all Yubibansha , A.K.A Akizuki Ryou doujinka o>___for this whole time, I'm only got the RAW copy of "Cheap Thrill", but when I able to read all those doujin, the art is beautiful, altough  the story kinda confusing ;___; and mostly came from when Cloud stil in Troopers or, after Advent Children...

Gahh~ I wanna see the one in Crisis Core. As far for it, Angeal - Zack relationship is become the main dishes, and .. do not mention that G!>____<

Zack Voice actor for US version Crisis core is not bad, but still Suzumura Kenichi is the best! He can pull the playfull Zack, the dependeable SOLDIER, and the loving care Zack to Angeal and .. ehem.. Cloud  o*____*o

Aahhh~ make me want to play FF VII again.....if Square-Enix is possibly released a PS3 version of FF VII,.. I'm gonna cry so hard cos will unable to play it, but desire it so much.

Also Forget that I haven't finished play Fire Emblem 7. I've finished actually with the cost of Heath, Prissy live. *unable to bring Raven and Lucius to the battle, not to mention my fave thief and cute swordsman xD~*. But haven't play again for Hector chapter. souseki_naora   please... force me to play it, or i'll never have spirit to continue!!

Btw, just wandering, when I watched Walt Disney musical 3 weeks a go, and see Snow White step mother, why was her image looks alike EDEA  sorcerer form in FF VIII??
And because of it,  some idea to crack the whole thing came up. Such as when Rinoa became the sorcerer, and he look into mirror, and said. who is the MOST handsome prince in this whole country.....
and.. when the image of Cid from FF VII came, the mirror crack a little,  then  it crumbled into pieces when BARRET appeared xD~ lol
lame it is~

it's early but Happy Birthday ravient   , well no, I'm not gonna said it now, but right on the time hopefully :D
but it's late for ore_ryousama   , happy birthday xD~
LOL..Saitou Takumi-san.. you make all woman and Ruito cry because of that scene , and not that I'm gonna see it either  >___<
Did setomaru photoshopping his pic on his BLOG?? or he  will have a new photobook? o__0;;
Ah that's all for now.. actually this post will contained more rambling about Zack.. but it have to be put later, after I finished read those doujin.

---sorry, for not using LJ-cut, since LJ seem hate me tonight ---

birthday, ffvii, rambling, zack

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