I have had a
chocolate porter and I feel like sharing.
Picture heavy post to follow:
Here is the current progress on the
Vernal Equinox Shawl:
All that white "fringe" is my stitch markers for each repeat. 39 repeats per row now...whew. Stitch markers and Legend keeps me sane.
Here is a closeup of the Clue 3 pattern:
When stretched out, it almost looks like feathers across a bird's back. It is hard to show in this picture. I just cannot stretch the shawl out enough across the needles anymore.
Changing gears:
Byram's plain jane 1x1 sock as modeled by...well...me.
Mom's chevron sock as seen on Saturday:
And closer:
Now, as seen tonight:
Yeah, it sucks. But it sucks less than my first "draft" of that sock pattern did.
This is what I get when I have been knitting too long- "MaMA! Read to me!"
Don't tug on Supergirl's cape; she'll go hide at Grandma's feet.
Night night everyone!