The Grinch & the Sugar Plum Fairy or Who was Who in Who-ville this X-mASS on Making the Scene w/ Marsha Hershkowitz.
-- Christopher Brodeur asked Laruocco, "Do you believe in God ?" she responds "i don't know if i believe in belief. . .
it's like the chicken & the egg, it's like the snake biting its own tail," &, it gets into a metaphysical discussion of the emaculate conception of concept, the Bible, transcription-details to follow::::
meanwhile she says she "does believe in the crack in the mirror of the self, which is 'the Ass of God' (GO D) " & shows off her behind on Live-television as never before seen before, " i finally faced my Ass! i faced my own ass! " -- there is an image of laruocco printed on her own under-panties.
the Grinch's heart gets big & Laruocco has reversed herself.
it gets wacko & hilarious
---- La Ruocco & Touching You do a compilation Hit off their latest album: "Digitally ReMasterbated" singing & guitar
song Lyrics: (slightly modified for live television)
every word i say is a lie,-- the way i go changing my mind
gum wrapper it up, Eat the whole pack at once i swear !
im the baby in the bubble
bounce me out of my trouble
i change my clothes but it's just another tutu
i mix my drink but it's just another youwho™
{rhythm turns punk}
this is a song about sound vibration, you can hear, see, feel - sound vibration
im here, -- & on your screen again
a quantum space time light wave reverberation
let me take you down
let me take you down the ass section - of the supermarket.
it’s the snake biting its own tail, facing the ass, the inherent crack in the mirror of the self.
in the above photo, struming CXB's guitar w/tinsel.
'Touching You' is also the author of "
Perverted little Creep" & of
thetapedeck [update: Christopher X. Brodeur on the Cover of the New York Press 1/19/2005 running for mayor again. ]
(also on the show, John King - in a laruoccobot t-shirt)